A Man of Murder and Possession

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"Beauty can be consoling, disturbing, sacred, profane; it can be exhilarating, appealing, inspiring, chilling. It can affect us in an unlimited variety of ways. Yet it is never viewed with indifference: beauty demands to be noticed; it speaks to us directly like the voice of an intimate friend. If there are people who are indifferent to beauty, then it is surely because they do not perceive it." - Roger Scruton

Reyna had another hour of sleep after Fabian left before beginning to pack up her things at six in the morning. She hadn't had any personal belongings brought with her and was mulling over what to take. Gowns didn't seem the best option when running away so she opted for a shorter, simpler, comfier dress, a cloak, her training outfit and her riding outfit. She hoped it would be enough before they reached the Inn and then Ashur. Fabian had decided it would be less suspicious if he gathered the food packs and water skins so she didn't have that to worry about at least. She had shoved the clothes into a pack she could sling over her shoulder, more sturdy and stable than the one she had carried in Valbara. She sighed, running a hand through her limp hair. She still hadn't looked in the mirror - she hadn't seen the point. But it was early and no one was here and she was curious. It wouldn't hurt or maybe it would. Reyna cautiously approached the mirror on her vanity and blinked once, not used to not seeing the face she had donned the last few weeks. 

She looked the same on the first glance but she looked entirely different at the same time. The sadness that had rippled off her had eased, her mouth no longer pulled into a permanent frown. Her eyes were no longer dull but seemed to shine with an inner glow. Her body and cheekbones remained protruding, the luxurious food she had eaten packed into another body. She tilted her face, watching her long dark hair fall to the side. She had positively loathed her appearance before but seeing it now...the familiarity soothed her. And when Reyna smiled, dimples emerged that hadn't been present in her previous appearance. Her skin had returned to its pasty white, the spots were still there, her nose had a slight bump but...it wasn't so terrible. Or maybe it was just the lighting that softened her features. She tore her eyes away with some difficulty, not wanting to linger too long to pick out her insecurities. 

There was a knock at the door and Reyna started, spinning around. The door creaked open slightly, revealing Juniper standing with a bowl of fruit and yogurt. She had seen Reyna the evening she had come back to her usual face and had gaped for a good few minutes. She had swallowed and asked Reyna's plan which she had reluctantly told. Reyna had lied through her teeth, saying she was killing Donovan before running. Juniper chose to believe her and Reyna wondered if she really did or just didn't want Reyna to get killed. "Breakfast." She said in her high sweet voice and Reyna smiled gratefully. "Thank you." 

She set it down upon the vanity cautiously and swallowed. "Today then?" She asked, lingering beside it and not coming any closer. Reyna nodded. "Today's the day." Juniper tucked a ginger curl behind her ear and ran up to embrace her, pulling Reyna into a crushing hug she accepted. Juniper smelt of forests, rivers, mint and rosemary. The scent lulled her as she breathed it in, perhaps for the last time. As she pulled back, she saw Juniper's blue eyes had welled up with un shed tears and the sight made Reyna's heart soften. "Don't cry, June." She comforted as the Witch's lower lip trembled. "I liked having you as my friend and being here." Reyna smiled, memories flashing through her head of her times with Juniper. "Me too. I'll miss you." She said and she meant it wholeheartedly. Juniper nodded, hands fidgeting awkwardly with her pocket. She pulled out a silver pin in the shape of a Wolf, the eyes a black glimmering stone. She shoved it into Reyna's palm, making her clench it tightly. "Thank you." She murmured and wandered over to Inner Beauty, buried in her pack. "It's not even mine." She laughed as she handed it to Juniper. "But I hope you when you see it you'll think of me."

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