An Epiphany of Souls and Thorns

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"But he who dares not grasp the thorn; Should never crave the rose." - Anne Bronte

Reyna reluctantly heads back to their room after an hour outside, preferring to sleep in a bed than out in the cold. She says not a word as she climbs into bed beside him, going as far as she can get away from him on the opposite end of the bed so she is at risk of falling off during the night. She tries to coax herself to sleep, for her eyes to settle but they do not comply, fluttering open every few minutes. She has the urge to turn Fabian, to see if he is awake, but decides against it - if he is awake, the last thing she wishes to is meet his gaze. It could be half an hour later when a creak sounds on the other side of the bed and despite herself, she turns her head to see. 

Fabian has propped himself up one elbow, those dark eyes already on her. "I'm sorry." He murmurs. "I shouldn't have said - acted like that."

"Morning." Reyna replies and rolls back over, taking most of the duvet with her. Fabian doesn't complain and finally she drifts into the embrace of sleep. 

Reyna wakes the sound of scraping metal on metal and of a door swinging closed accompanied by a pair of feet drawing closer. With some reluctance, she cracks open an eye to see a tray of fresh pancakes lying before her with a glass of freshly squeezed orange. She blinks twice, sure only mushy porridge was served for breakfast. Fabian is standing on the edge of the bed and she can only guess she has him to thank for the breakfast. "My oh my," she sighs, placing the tray on her lap. "You really are trying to get back in my good graces." With no further encouragement, she picks up the knife and fork set out for her and cuts in to the softness of the pancakes. "I had to bribe Liam to make this." Fabian explains. "I wasn't even sure he did anything other than gruel and soup."

Reyna snorts but it dies quickly after her and Fabian's argument rushes back in a blur of memories. So she continues digging into the pancakes, not bothering to look his way. "I told you I'm sorry." He finally says, sinking onto the bed. 

"Yeah, you did." She agrees between muffled bites of pancakes. "But sorry isn't always enough." She throws him a cutting look which he doesn't blanch from to his credit. "That's why I'm giving you an option." He says with a deep breath and Reyna sets her cutlery down to focus on him more fully. He avoids her questioning eyes and that alone is enough to send her into a toil. "Spit it out then." She whispers. 

"I'm going back to Muiri." He says finally and her mouth drops open, unable to form words. After everything Reyna has done, killing the Prince and Tegan, avenging those he killed, breaking her promise to the Witches, that they can have a future together - he wants to throw it all away. Reyna has half a mind to say as much. "Tell me you're not." She scoffs, shaking her head in her incomprehension to understand. "I've thought about it," he says slowly like talking to a wild animal. "And Everly needs me."

"You're going back - for her?" Jealousy twists her words into something uglier as they leave her mouth, curving her face into one of envy. "Don't tell me you still pine for her." Fabian's face hardens. "Of course not. I meant what I said, Reyna - I do love you." Reyna picks up the orange juice and swallows deeply, the bitterness a welcome relief on her tongue. "Not enough, apparently." She mutters.

"Don't make this harder than it already is, Reyna." He says exasperated. 

"That's rich, coming from you."

"Can you let me finish?" He waits for Reyna's interruption who awaits him with a raised brow. "It won't be forever. But she's lost her brother, her lover and her best friend in the space of a week. She has no one else. And I won't abandon her."

"Fabian." Reyna levels him with a glare. "You already have when you left with me." His jaw tightens at her response but he doesn't bother replying. "I can make it right." He whispers, cautiously putting his hand through hers. "So she doesn't end up a monster."

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