An Aura of Salt and Waves

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'No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful' - Eleanor Roosevelt

Reyna had decided to train today, whether Fabian was there or not. And if he was there but refused to talk to her, well, she would ignore him. She tightened her ponytail as she marched through the gardens, barracks coming closer with each stride. She had built up a little muscle these weeks - and had gained some skills in fitness and swordplay. It was better than nothing, after all, when she did the deed.

She felt stupid feeling it, but Reyna had been disappointed at the lack of contact from Mimoza. She'd thought her friend would send her something to tell her she was okay or found Julie. But there was nothing except echoes of her friends. She saw them in the Library especially whenever she sat down there, that last afternoon before everything had gone wrong.  A pang of regret surged through her body at the thought and she swallowed, shoulders straightening as voices grew closer.

Soldiers barely glanced her way as she entered - they'd gotten used to her by now these weeks. Without helping it, her eyes scanned for Fabian amidst the crowd of men. Nothing. Reyna sighed as  a faint tang shot through her as she headed towards the yard where she and Fabian had trained.

"Training without me?" A silky smooth voice purred from behind. Reyna whirled instantly, eyes immediately gluing to Fabian's face. He seemed calm at least, or more like himself the last time they spoke. She couldn't read his eyes, only finding a murky darkness churning in them as he looked at her. No emotion grazed his face. "Come on then. I'll get us swords." Before Reyna could so much as speak he had already stalked away.

She shook her head, scoffing. She'd forgotten about how insufferable he was. He was back in a couple minutes, Reyna stretching her arms as he came up to her, holding two blunt swords. His dark eyes were unreadable as he handed her one.

Fabian backed away a few metres, shifting into a fighting stance. Reyna watched him, glancing at his sword, then her own. She gave him a disbelieving gaze and his dark eyes glimmered. "Oh?" She forced herself to ask, fixing a cool expression that rivalled his own. 

He hummed deep in his throat, the sound rough as he tilted his head at her. "You're not going to learn much without an opponent."

She glared daggers at him and his only response was to laugh softly, causing her blood to boil as her lip curled. "Do you really despise me so?" Reyna asked, crossing her arms. 

"It's because I don't hate you that I'm doing this." Fabian answered, his voice low. Was he still talking about the spar or what he had revealed earlier that had been true or not true? "Right." Reyna responded as she angled her body, muscles tensing.

He tracked her movements with predatory focus and she resisted the urge to swallow, free hand clenching, the other gripping the weapon. The smell of iron forced its way up her nostrils and she focused on Fabian, trying to block out lingering distractions. Birdsong. The sound of other soldiers. Her own breathing which she fought to keep neutral. They locked eyes and Reyna moved. 

She knew Fabian and was aware he'd go for her side where she was left exposed. He watched her enough to know her preference was to go left so this time she went right and when his sword went for her, she easily twirled out of the way so she was the one behind him. It was too easy as her blade sliced through the air to go for him. And it was. So quick she couldn't react, he ha turned around and a she went for him, their swords clashed.

He grinned at her like a devil only making her anger rise. And he knew it. Fabian had taught her to hold her stance so she did, refusing to back away. But she knew he would win with his strength so she released her sword and ducked to the ground, rolling to go for his knees causing him to jump back which gave her an opportunity to go for him again. Their swords clashed, the sound of metal hitting metal thundering in her ears. He met her hit for it. Each time she went for a specific section he would pull her back into a defensive position. "Prick." She muttered under her breath as his blade came dangerously close to her stomach. "Would you rather I hadn't told you?" He responded, finally letting a fraction of his anger show. 

"He says you're lying." 

"Of course he does." Again, she went for his chest but he swatted her away easily. She swung again and leaving her front exposed, he ripped the sword from her grip before it could meet its mark. it clattered to the floor a few feet away and she rose her eyes to his. He was breathing heavily to her surprise. "You're his best friend. Why would you tell me anything?" She asked, flexing her shoulders.

He dropped his sword to the ground atop hers and ran a hand through his black hair. "Maybe because I care."

The words ripped something inside her and she took a step back. She shook her head. "Don't, Fabian." 

He cocked his head at her. "What do you mean?"

 You know what I mean." Reyna replied, freeing her hair of its ponytail and letting it fall down her back. Fabian's eyes darkened as if he knew where this conversation was going. "What do you mean?" He repeated, refusing to acknowledge it. Annoyance surged through her, brewing in her every fibre. 

She took a step towards him and then another until their faces were inches apart. He said nothing but she heard his quickening breath. "Reyna-" he began.

But she shifted her shoulders, cracking her knuckles. Fabian watched her stretch silently, something she couldn't figure simmering in his gaze.

She shrugged. "Why not have a brawl as well as a spar?"

Fabian shook his head. "I can't hurt you." Because she was competing in the Prince's Hand. 

"Can't hurt me? Hate to break it to you but you already have." Her words dripped with sarcasm and he glared at her. He wanted her because Donovan had her or some stupid reason like that. And only because of that. And blanking her out, avoiding her...

He swallowed, rubbing his jaw when she had hit him. "That was low." He chuckled under his breath as he winced. "It's still a no, Princess." Fabian's words were bitter as he looked at her, eyes brimming with - hurt. Hurt.

As if she was the one who was causing him pain. 

Before she could speak, Fabian dipped his head and began to speak. "I'm off on an errand for a few days. Feel free to train without me." He refused to look at her as he disappeared inside the Barracks and Reyna fought the urge to call him back. The words rose in her throat, at the tip of her tongue but they refused to come out of her traitorous mouth. It was probably for the best. After the month was over she was never going to see him again - the fact she'd ever known him at all would be a vague recollection in her head. A whisper of memory and then it would be gone.

Reyna sighed, making to leave. There was nothing left for her here.

"So. You sparred and he seemed...hurt?" Juniper asked, laying down on the bed beside her. The Witch looked thoughtful, like some sort of painting with her ginger curls spilling out behind her and blue eyes bright. "Vulnerable." Reyna frowned and reassessed her choice of words. "No. Honest? Open? It was a side I hadn't seen before to him. There was still that confidence and amusement but there was something else too."

Juniper nodded. "I sensed his aura a few days ago."

"Oh?" Reyna asked, propping herself up onto her elbows. "How did you run into him?"

"I was delivering towels to your room and I saw him in the stairwell below. I think he was considering seeing you, actually." 

"Ah." Her heartbeat began thundering, curiosity striving within her to break free. She fought to keep her voice from sounding too eager as Juniper continued. "It was a dark blue, like the ocean." Catching Reyna's expression, she amended, "it's a good thing. But I always sensed a sort of conflict within him too."

"To be a Witch." Reyna mumbled. Dark forests, devoid of humanity. Wilds free to roam with other creatures. A gratifying, satisfying silence she had craved her whole life, free from the weights that bound her down. Magic and female company. What more could she want? A place without men. Perfect.

Juniper laughed, revealing her dimples. "Yes. I do feel sorry for you mortals." That was right - Juniper would live longer than Reyna. Much longer. 

"Could you look for an opportunity to check Donovan's aura?" Reyna asked, watching for Juniper's reaction. "I'll try to run into him. If there's a chance, of course." She replied.

"Yes, thanks June." 

The Witch smiled and left, leaving Reyna with her thoughts and the blistering sun burning down on her more than ever.

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