A Sister of Memories and Echoes

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'I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that' - Lauren Bacali

Reyna walked up to door, hands trembling despite the warmth. The house was grand, deep green ivy snaking its way around the house and flowers -whites, purples, blues- blooming beside the glazed windows. It was cozy, homely, spacious - everything she nor Nova had had at home. It made Reyna feel a pang inside her. Regret. Shame. For all she knew, her sister may not even recognise her. After all, she almost hadn't recognised herself either. With a deep breath, she knocked on the door. She peered through the stained glass, looking onto a long corridor.

It was silent for a few moments before she heard the sound of footsteps growing nearer - and saw an indistinguishable person drawing nearer. There were voices overlapping each other and then the form stepped up to the door. It was a feminine shape that was to be sure - causing her heart to speed up faster in anticipation. What would she say? The door opened and a face peeked out, squinting at her bathed in sunlight. Her heart sank where he saw the maid clothes but she pasted on a polite smile. "Hello. I believe Nova lives here?"

"Who are you?" 

"I'm Reyna. Nova's sister." The words felt strange coming out of her mouth. It had been an age it seemed since she was a sister. After all, she hadn't been a great one or a daughter. She had let them all believe she was dead - or worse. Her ambitions had overtaken her family at the end of the day and she'd do it again. 

Reyna was escorted into the sitting room while the Maid fetched her sister and she sat down on the plush sofa. Relief flooded through her at the life Nova lived. No one she knew deserved it more than her older sister did. She fidgeted, jumping to attention when a pregnant woman entered. Her pale blonde hair was pin straight, tucked behind her ears, dark eyes lined in kohl. Her skin was perfectly smooth, not a wrinkle in sight. Yet there was a hollowness in her eyes as she beheld Reyna. Her heart leapt at the sight of someone familiar and she couldn't help smiling slightly despite her nervousness.

"You're not my sister." Nova said wearily. "Are you here to inform me what happened to her?"  She eyed Reyna's dress.  "No-  I am your sister. Really, Nova it's me." Nova still looked unsure so she pressed on. "You, me River going swimming in the Lake on a Saturday. Remember?"

Nova's eyes widened as she surveyed her again. "Rey, what- what happened?" She took in her elegant clothes, silky hair and clear skin. A pang of pride rushed through her at Nova's surprise. 

"It's a long story. All you need to know is I'm fine."

"Does everyone know you're alive? Why are you here?" She was frantic as she sat down on the sofa, clasping Reyna's hands in her own. "Tell me everything right now. We've all been so worried." Her nails were digging into her skin, leaving crescent shaped marks so she pried them away gently.

"I ran away and got help with my...appearance. From there, I entered the Prince's hand and now here I am." She explained blatantly.

"Everyone thinks you're dead, Reyna. Why would you not say anything?" She paused. "That's an awful and too brief explanation by the way."

Reyna opened her mouth before closing it again. What was she supposed to say to that? Letting everyone believe she was dead or worse? "I know and I'm sorry. I can't tell you for the second thing." 

"You're sorry?" She accused, eyes heating. "You have no idea! You're my sister, you go missing and then turn up here out of the blue saying you're competing to be the next Queen?" She laughed bitterly. "Talk about a surprise." Reyna had never seen her sister so angry. Usually Nova was the calm one, the relaxed one but not this time it seemed, 

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