A Word of Witches and Vows

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'Happy girls are the prettiest girls' - Audrey Hepburn

Reyna combed through her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders as she stared at her reflection in the vanity. Should she do something more to it? She looked down at the silky pink evening gown she had put on. Too much? She'd found it in the wardrobe along with dozens of others dresses lined up in an array of colours - mint, lavender, amber, sky, azure. 

She'd rushed to Everly after receiving her message who had smirked at her success, her ego likely boosted. She'd told Reyna she was looking forward to them spending more time together and showing her the city. The Ball had finished not long after that and Reyna had rushed to her room. It was beautiful and expensive, soft rose coloured sheets and dark pink coloured walls with her own balcony and dressing room. It was huge and lavish with wooden floors and windows, so unlike anything she'd had before. Except maybe her room at Bruha. She felt a pang then, wondering about Agnes, Morgan and Juniper. Were they thinking about her and how she was getting on? She hoped so. She was surprised to find she missed them, missed the peacefulness of Bruha and how it seemed so distanced from the rest of the world. 

She had been preparing for Donovan's visit for a half hour, slathering on lotions and moisturisers infused with tulips and marigolds, making her face gleam healthily. Reyna had tried to seem elegant but not too much of a try hard - she'd left her hair down. She knew how important first impressions were and was determined to leave one on him. Satisfied at last, she left the confines of her dressing room and went back into her main room. It took a few seconds for her to process someone was sitting on one of her armchairs.

People hadn't lied about the Prince's good looks - he was beautiful and she was surprised how similar he was to her sister. The same dark blonde hair and brown eyes, a refined jawline and sharp cheekbones, an amused smile as he watched her. There was something almost dangerous about him, something that screamed at her to watch herself around him. She could see why so many succumbed to his charms - how couldn't you with a face like that? 

"Your highness." Reyna breathed, sinking into a curtsy, hoping she didn't look too flustered.

"Please sit." He said, patting the chair beside him. She obliged, obediently sinking into the plush chair. "How long have you been there?" She asked, feeling self conscious. Had he been watching her preening in the mirror? She felt a blush rising on her cheeks, pure embarrassment.

"Not long, don't worry." Donovan replied. "I've noticed my sister has taking a liking to you." 

"Everly's been very gracious to me." 

He smirked, eyes becoming distant. "She's not as innocent as she seems I'm afraid." He chuckled at whatever memory rose. "What do you mean?" Reyna asked, quite curious.

"If I told you, I'd lose the fun of it." He replied. "At a later date, I'll tell you." He vowed. Reyna smiled but she was uneasy, distrustful as much as she tried to hide it. Donovan must of read the emotions on her face because he said "I apologise if I'm unnerving you. I'm just not...used to this." He said, gesturing around the room. 

"Me neither." Reyna replied with a laugh. 

"So." Donovan began. "Why do you want to marry me? Assuming you do." 

She opened her mouth, words of witches, beauty and promises on her lips. Reyna swallowed, a lie forming in her mind. "Adventure." She heard herself saying. "Something new. An experience, something interesting. To go down in history and not just be forgotten like everyone else. To make something."

He must have been satisfied with her explanation because he nodded. "You're like me then. I too want to accomplish something great in my lifetime."

"You'll be king?"

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