A Game of Champagne and Diamonds

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"Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you." - Shannon Alder

It hadn't seemed that long since the last Ball. Yet it was a week later and here Reyna was, dressed up and ready. She'd avoided Donovan all of the day and was hoping to do so at the Ball. She wanted him to be the one trying to explain himself to her. For him to try and get her forgiveness all so he could stay fixed on her and not that disgusting monster of a girl. 

Reyna had chosen more of an expensive look for this Ball so she could be sure heads would swivel. So the Prince could known exactly what he stood to lose. And maybe for someone else too.

She was running behind and wasn't meeting Everly and Gladys this time. They'd all decided to go in separately to make things look less...obvious between them. Anyhow, she didn't want to be late. With a final look in the mirror and deeming it satisfying to her taste, Reyna breezed out of her room.

Despite her earlier confidence, Reyna began to feel awkward as she stepped into the room. People looked at her and murmured to each other so low she unfortunately couldn't hear. It was an effort to remain standing straight and unfazed as she looked around for anyone she knew. Anyone would suffice right now to spare her the embarrassment of shuffling away into a corner. She didn't know what dresses her friends were wearing so in the sea of faces and gowns, it was impossible to see where they could be. And there was no Julie or Mimoza this time, either. Their memory sent a faint pang through her chest as she continued looking around, murmuring her excuses to those she passed as she headed for a table topped with bubbly champagne. 

She grabbed a shimmering goblet and took a sip as she stood to the side. It tasted of vanilla, of sunshine and distant dreams as the bubbles popped on her tongue. She took another sip, savouring how it got rid of the dryness that had built in her throat. 

"It's good, isn't it?" She almost choked on her last gulp of the drink as she turned around and saw Fabian standing there, coolly amused as usual. His eyes seemed to sparkle as he took in her dress. "I didn't realise you had such a bling taste." He commented, taking a glass of champagne himself.

"I don't." She replied. This morning she had headed into Muiri by herself into the most lavish store she could find and proceeded to buy the most expensive dress there to Everly's earlier encouragements. It was a glimmering white - the entire gown encrusted with small diamonds that winked in the light. It was matched by diamond bracelets, diamond ridden heels and a necklace, earrings and a brooch that sat comfortably in the tassels of her dark hair. The outfit certainly brought attention and her light makeup had matched it perfectly. Glitter over her cheekbones and silver eye shadow on the lining of her lids and corners. When she had done she looked like if the moon had been brought to life.

"Your dress suggests otherwise." He replied, taking a swig of the champagne before looking around the room. Perhaps seeing if anyone could spare them from this awkward conversation. But there was no one Reyna recognised at least so she'd just have to make do. "You're back from your errand, I see." She stated briskly.

"I am. It was nice to get away for a bit. Clear my head." He replied. Fabian had cleaned up nicely too - a dark shirt and pants, classy yet not over the top.

"From me?" She asked as his flint black eyes met her dark brown ones. He seemed to hesitate - just for a moment - before setting the drink down. "Not just you." He finally said, clearing his throat. "But me." For some reason, she really needed confirmation that he had wanted to get away from her. Even if he had been ordered to, he hadn't been upset about it. Reyna didn't blame him - she had messed up his friendships and his work schedule and had been rude the last time they had spoke. "Yes." He admitted. She waited for him to continue but he didn't. It would be up to her then.

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