A Proposal of Emerald and Platinum

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"Beauty is not caused. It is." — Emily Dickinson

Reyna sat in the shade of a tree and sighed. It was a welcome reprieve from the scorching sun on her ride here, beads of sweat having run down her brow. She breathed heavily before taking a gulp from the water skin she had taken, the water refreshing and ice cold, numbing her senses. She had brought a hat at least, to not get too sun burnt. Aethelwyne lingered a few feet away, guzzling down some grass like there was no tomorrow. It made Reyna's own stomach ache and she unfolded some bread and cheese from her satchel, the taste almost making her eyes roll back. She hadn't eaten since six in the morning and even then it had only been a bowl of fruit to keep her going.

It had been a day since Agnes had visited, leaving her roiling with newfound thoughts and suspicions. So today she had wanted to take a step back and have a chance to think - really think. 

She closed her eyes, savouring the melody of bird song and the crunch of grass, the sounds making her head quieten if just for a moment. The crunch of grass. Not the munch of grass. Reyna's eyes snapped open and indeed, Donovan was there with his own horse. She flinched back, her heart beat accelerating. "Reyna." He greeted, standing there awkwardly. She tilted her head at him, eyes sweeping back and forth before frowning. "Did you follow me here?" She asked, in as much an emotionless tone as she could muster.

"I...yes." He admitted, sinking to the ground beside her. He ran a hand through his hair which was caked with sweat. Reyna distantly wondered if her own hair had suffered the same fate and made a mental note to have a bath later - just in case. 

Reyna looked down at the grass beneath her, the awkwardness a tangible thing that hovered in the air above them. Donovan cleared his throat, his own eyes not meeting hers either. "This is awkward, isn't it?" He let out a laugh and she could tell he was trying to ease the tension so she offered him a smile to continue. "We haven't spoken for a while." He continued. "I understand-"

"No." She cut him off. "I'm sorry, I-" she took a breath. Swallowed. She could end this now. A part of her longed to but Agnes's words were still caught in her brain. A hint of doubt she couldn't fully shake off despite believing what the Witch claimed must be lies. "This is a competition, is it not? You have every right to explore your connections with others." She mustered an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry I ran off like that."

"Gladys backed out today." Donovan said quietly and Reyna's eyes grew wide. She was proud of her friend - it would be easier for her to pursue a relationship with Everly when she wasn't competing to marry her brother. "And Aspen and Lilith I sent home." Her heart began beating like a kick drum. This meant that there was only here and Tegan left. One person between her and getting chosen. "They were great girls - all of them. But I didn't feel for them as I do you."

"What?" Reyna asked, as his eyes met hers. He reached his hand out for hers and after a moments indecision, took it. "I want to marry you, Reyna," he breathed. "You're so beautiful, funny, intelligent and kind. And being apart these days has made me realise that. Which is why I want to ask if you''ll marry me." The air left Reyna's lungs as she gaped at him. She had chased this offer since she had arrived but now she had it within reaching grasp she wasn't sure she wanted it at all. If she could have the ability to kill him, her friend, and future fiancee. Could she live with herself sacrificing a life for something as shallow as beauty? Her cheeks flushed with shame and she hoped Donovan mistook it as embarrassment. But it wasn't just that, was it? Her own life was at stake and she had to remember that. 

And once he has fallen, you shall kill him. Those were Morgan's words when making the bargain. Did he love her? "Do you love me?" Reyna asked, her voice not even sounding like her own. Donovan faltered at that but his hand grew tighter around her own. "I'll know at the right time. to tell you." He replied, sounding utterly sincere. If Donovan had told her he loved her right now, could she have killed him? Reyna supposed she'd never truly know. "And Tegan? She's not gone is she?" Donovan shook his head and Reyna's heart sunk. She'd rather the presence of Gladys, Aspen or Lilith in this final two than her. "It's a ceremonial thing. For there to be two girls for the announcement at the fourth Ball." 

"Ah." She hesitated, glancing towards Aethelwyne. She could ride away on her this very moment and hope that the Witches would never find her. "You can say if you don't want. I'll understand." he said, noting her reluctance. What kind of person did she want to be? To look back on in fifty years not regretting a single action? Choosing to say yes - choosing him - would be choosing murder.

"Yes," Reyna replied, leaning towards him and kissing him lightly. "I'll marry you." Donovan's eyes lit up as he embraced her and she relaxed into it, burying her head in his neck. "I thought you were going to refuse me for a moment there." He laughed, pulling back, but his hands skimmed up and down her arms. "I'm so relieved - and happy." His grin was infectious and Reyna couldn't hold back her own grin although she felt the hollowness behind it. 

"I'm happy too. Are we fiancees now?" Reyna asked, laughing again as she put a hand to her mouth. She couldn't quite believe it. "Do I get a ring?" She teased as he pulled out the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen her breath caught. It was the colour of the moon, platinum, with tiny emeralds arranged like leaves on either side leading up to a giant shining diamond encrusted in the middle. Donovan turned it to one side and the links connected to the diamond and the emerald leaves appeared like a tangle of trees and roots, like a forest. It was exactly what she would have chosen for herself. Maybe Donovan knew her better than she'd given him credit for. He slipped it onto her finger and it fit perfectly as if it had always been there. 

"It's beautiful."

"Like you." Reyna relished the words, drunk them in, her own form of nourishment she had once starved for for many years. "Are you going to tell Tegan," She asked, toying with the ring, "or will it be a surprise?"

"A surprise, I think. If she knew, I think everyone else would not long after." Reyna laughed at that, imagining Tegan stomping around and breaking things in fury. In another life, she may have seen it and it would have been wonderful. Her forever enemy who had come here to steal what was Reyna's, humbled at last.

"Are you telling Everly or Fabian?" She asked carefully, knowing one wrong hitch of her voice could make him suspicious. Donovan shook his head and something loosened in her chest in response. "No, same reason. And Fabian..." he paused, eyes fixing on her, tracing every curve of her face. Or mask. "I don't know if you've seen it but he has a thing for you. I've never seen him so jealous when I stole you away from fighting for a date." 

"Oh?" She let out a surprising laugh she hoped was convincing enough. "He's only ever been a friend to me during him teaching me to fight." She lied. Not only two days ago that same friend was lying in her bed. "I saw you two dancing at the Ball." It was a question disguised as a statement. "He was just being friendly. He saw I was alone and awkward by the champagne and spared me the embarrassment." Reyna shrugged as nonchalantly as she could. 

Donovan nodded, satisfied with her answer and her shoulders loosened. "I know I didn't tell you earlier but I wanted you to say yes." He stood up, offering Reyna a hand which she immediately took. He laid his head against hers and ran a hand through her thick dark hair. "I do love you, Reyna." Again, the breath was knocked from her chest and she almost stumbled back if he hadn't slid his other hand around her waist. "I love you too." She whispered back and he kissed her deeply. It wasn't a lie - it just wasn't in the way Donovan believed she loved him. There were many types of loves and who was to say one was more valid than the other? She did love him - his smile, his kindness, the way he made her laugh. 

It was another reason why this was all so hard. And Donovan's love had unwittingly given her the opportunity to now kill him. Reyna's fingers tightened in his hair. 

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