A Tradition of Gold and Blue

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The afternoon with Nova had gone well. She had been flustered at first, curtsying and stammering before eventually becoming slightly more comfortable in Donovan's presence. She had certainly seemed to like him. There'd been no sign of her mysterious husband, claiming he was away on business somewhere or other. Reyna had sensed an underlying tone of something being more to it but decided to not press it further. When Nova wanted to tell her, she would. After all, she kept many secrets from her sister. Donovan had kissed her as he left her by her room and she had just smiled and murmured goodbye.

She stared at herself in the vanity, assessing her perfect skin and hair. She was perfect but it wasn't real. None of it was. 

It was the next day and she hadn't gone to train with Fabian - not after yesterday. The more she thought about their interaction,  the more confused she became. And then bitterness towards him slipped in and a seed of anger grew. At both of them idiot boys. God, she despised them. Despised Donovan kissing her and Fabian lecturing her. She collapsed onto her bed with a groan, burying her face in the plush pillow. 

Her despair was short lived as there was a knock at the door and a cheery voice behind it. "Come in." Reyna said half heartedly, if anyone could make out the words beneath the pillow if not a series of muffled noises. Everly breezed in dressed in a bold red the colour of the richest wine which matched the bottle peeking out a picnic basket. Her smile faltered slightly as she observed Reyna's condition. "Oh is this a bad time?" The Princess asked, eyes flitting to the bottle. She sat up wearily, slumping down onto the duvet. She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times before pasting on a smile. "Of course not."

Everly frowned, looping her blonde hair behind her ears as she joined Reyna on the bed. "Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" 

"Neither?" She suggested as she stretched her back, stress releasing with the simple movement. Everly laughed but then her face turned serious. "Really Reyna. Just tell me." Her eyes were wide with concern and she gave in. "Really nothing! Boys being stupid as per." She tried to change the conversation but before her mouth could move Everly was already speaking. "Tell me about it. Living with Don and Fabian my whole life." A pause. "I'm presuming that's whom this is about?"

Reyna nodded, idly twirling a cluster of dark hair around her finger, avoiding Everly's gaze. She made a hmmm noise deep in her throat. "Shall I give them a piece of my mind?"

Reyna shook her head, again finally meeting Everly's chocolate brown eyes which shone in the sunlight. "Please no." The thought of it mortified her to the core.

Everly shrugged. "Okay." She replied simply and relief flooded Reyna's veins. "I came here to ask if you wanted to join me and Donovan on our annual tradition." 

"Oh?" She asked curiously, grateful for the conversation change. She supposed the tradition had something to do with the picnic basket sitting on the bed and her gaze drifted to it. "Me and Don have always had a yearly picnic at the Lynn." Everly continued. "Fabian and Gladys often come too. Fabian's busy this year though." She gave Reyna a look as if to say she suspected she had something to do with it. 

"The Lynn?" She forced herself to ask.

"Yes. It's a lake - gorgeous. With proper sands everything." Everly's eyes lit up as she talked about it and she could almost see the happy memories revolving in her mind. It clearly meant a lot to her and for Reyna to refuse...

"I've never seen any beaches." She admitted. Not ones outside books, anyway. 

Everly's mouth dropped open in surprise. "Well now you have to go!" She reached across the bed for Reyna's hand and tugged her to her feet with an excited grin Reyna did her best to mirror. 

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