An Apex of Darkness and Sunlight

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'You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are' - Melissa Etheridge

Reyna hadn't given Donovan a chance to go find her. Instead, she was heading to the Hydra with Everly and Gladys for some much needed letting loose time. She remembered what Nova said once, absence made the heart grow fonder and she hoped that would become true of Donovan. To make him worry, plead, beg. All so she could keep him close to her. Besides, she desperately needed to talk to Everly. Why she had kept her relationship secret. Did she not trust her? Reyna wasn't angry - just curious and a little hurt.    

Reyna sighed, twisting a strand of dark hair around her finger as she surveyed her bedroom. The sun was finally setting over a cluster of clouds, the darkness beginning to sink in with each breath. She had an urge to laugh sometimes, at how she got here, how she was here at all. Sometimes when she woke in the morning she would feel scared, wondering where her cot was or the hay pile depending on the day. And then she would relax because that wasn't her life anymore. She'd given up that life, that family, the day she had ran into the woods and never returned. 

She had decided on a different dress this time, a deep plum that was elegant but still showed off her assets yet not to the point of indecency. "Rain," a voice sing sang from outside her door along with a giggle and she braced herself. Reyna rolled her shoulders, stretched her legs, before finally opening the door. "Ready?" She asked, fixing a smile to her face as she stepped out.

"Always." Everly beamed, not noticing anything was amiss. Gladys just smiled at Everly's own and Reyna tracked the movement. The quick brush of fingers, a lingering look between them before they spoke. So painfully clear now. "Well." Gladys began. "How did things with the Prince go?" She inquired and Reyna wondered how much to say. 

"We didn't really get a chance." She admitted. Thanks to Tegan.

"Oh." Everly frowned. "Why not?"

"I caught him and Tegan-" she struggled not to spit the word - "in a compromising position when I came in."

Gladys's face turned disgusted. She'd never liked Tegan, along with Everly who mirrored the expression. "I'm so sorry, Rain." Everly said earnestly, brown eyes softening. 

"I heard some interesting things too." She continued, glancing between the two of them.

"And they are?" Gladys urged, something like worry flitting across her face before it disappeared. Everly was more oblivious, just her brows furrowing as if all what it could be was running through her brain. "You. And you." She gestured between them and Gladys exhaled - in relief or frustration, she didn't know. "How long has this been going on? Was I not to be trusted?" She laughed self-deprecatingly. "How many of your dates have I crashed?"

"It's not you, Rain." Everly blurted, looking to Gladys as if for support. "It's just...I don't know how to feel about it all yet. Identifying as..." she sighed, tucking her dark blond hair behind an ear. "I'm a Princess who one day may be sold off to a distant Prince, you know? I can't make any promises and Gladys knows that. No matter how much I may want to. And not telling you? We haven't told anyone. It's not official. We're just exploring where it goes." She frowns, realising something. "Wait. How did you - they - know?"

Reyna shrugs. "I don't know. Although, now knowing, it's painfully clear." She says, wincing slightly. "I'm happy for you too nonetheless." 

"Aw, Reyna." Everly replies, pulling her into a hug and she can smell her lavender perfume and coconut shampoo. She accepts the hug feeling more at home than she's ever felt in her life. Whe  n the Princess pulls back she's misty eyed. "I appreciate it really." She cracks a smile at Gladys. "We'll have to be less obvious then."

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