A Scene of Cunning and Calculation

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'What's the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you're so ugly on the inside?" - Jess C. Scott

Gladys and Reyna had been taking a turn in the garden, basking in the glorious summer day. There were five of them left now - Reyna herself, Gladys, Tegan, Aspen and Lilith. She was too close - too close, now to lose this. "No, we haven't kissed." Gladys replied with a frown to Reyna's previous question. She twirled a section of her brown hair around a finger idly, avoiding her gaze. "To be honest." Gladys began, letting out a small chuckle. "I think I'm only still here because I'm close friends with Ev. And I've known him since we were children." She admitted, finally meeting Reyna's eyes.

She shrugged, laughing at herself and Reyna tilted her head. "And your conversations?"

"Few and boring." Gladys sighed, crossing her arms. "Its always about horses or Everly or you."

Reyna started. "Me?" She asked, a shocked sound coming out of her she hadn't expected. Gladys nodded as they turned back the way they came, stones crunching under their feet. "He's all about you, Reyna. Smitten, trust me."

"It's okay if you care."

Reyna finally said the words that had been lingering in her mouth the last few minutes. "Maybe I do." Gladys threw her an edged smile as she tucked her hair behind her ears. "It's not over yet after all."

"Not over yet." Reyna echoed, glancing up to the windows of Donovan's room. She had said she was going to meet him there later, sometime in the afternoon. It had pleased her of course - Everly, Gladys and Juniper had all repeatedly told her he was spending most of his attentions on her and then Tegan. As if reading her thoughts, Gladys jerked her head up to where she had been looking. "You better go. Be on time for the Prince." She suggested, shielding her eyes as she looked at Reyna. She was sure her own cheeks were bloomed red with the heat that scorched them. At least, during these weeks, her skin hadn't burned a nasty shade of pink like raw chicken. As it had in Leon where the summers were even worse with a lack of water and nourishment. "Are you certain? It's only turned midday."

"Yes, I'm sure. Spend as much time with him as you can - show him you like him."

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't." Reyna replied dryly, causing Gladys to bark out a sharp laugh as she strolled away, dark pink skirts flowing in the slight breeze of reprieve. "We'll discuss tomorrow!" The girl called before disappearing from sight, leaving Reyna alone in the garden. With not much of a choice, she picked her way carefully across the pebbled path, not wishing to trip on her midnight flowing dress that pooled past her feet. It had been a bold decison choosing something black - a mourning outfit - but she'd looked in the mirror that morning with it on and it had looked devastating. And if she was to convince a handsome prince to marry her, she too had to play her part as being the beautiful bride.

Reyna sighed - she had nothing else to do before seeing Donovan so she may as well heed Gladys's advice. She throws a glance back out towards the garden as if she can see the barracks beyond it and the boy there but to no avail. With one last lingering look, Reyna leaves the warmth of the gardens and is embraced by the coolness of the palace which is a reprieve from the heat. She'd never been in Donovan's rooms before so it was a good sign - a sign he trusted her, that their relationship was progressing. Hopefully it wasn't just for the other thing.

Reyna paused on the threshold of the room, suddenly conscious of how this might appear to anyone coming by. With a quick survey of the hall for any servants or maids, her hand grips the door handle as if to pull it open. Only she doesn't because she can hear voices inside already. Fabian? Everly? The King? Her hands still grip the handle and after a moments hesitation she removes them, leaving a residue of sweat in their wake.

Reyna would know that voice anywhere. It's a sickly sweet high sound that used to haunt her dreams with its sugary tone that bounced around her brain and curled around her bones. Tegan. She sucks in a breath but instead of stepping back and patiently waiting, a surge of impulse seeps through her. And she obliges, pressing her face against the door and listening out for any indication of the conversation within. She squeezes her eyes shut, focusing on the hearing. Donovan, don't open the door.

"And what else?" She hears Tegan say coyly, a clink of glasses following and the pouring of a drink. "Of who?" Donovan answers and Reyna cringes at the flirt in his tone.

"Of Gladys perhaps?"

Donovan snorts and then laughs softly, in a way she has never heard before that makes her brows furrow in surprise. "She's only Everly's plaything." He laughs again, Tegan joining him. "It's dreadfully obvious."

"They think they hide it so well." Tegan purrs. "But I've caught them in stairwells many a time. The only person they're fooling is their dear friend Reyna. Even your best friend has caught on by now." Donovan chuckles and the sound of footsteps become more distant.

Everly and Gladys? Events seemed to run in her mind almost simultaneously - running off at balls, disappearing, the first suspicion, the princess's lack of talk of any men. It's as if an arrow has struck her through the heart - she was the last to know. Everly never told her. Never trusted her. She swallows and crouches down so she can see through the small keyhole that has long since not been used.

When her vision steadies, Reyna has to swallow a gasp of shock. Tegan is sitting down on a plush deep green velvet chair comfortably, a glass of some spirit in one hand. The other hand trails lazily up Donovan's arm and she has to resist the urge to be sick as bile rises in her throat along with a sense of defeat. He doesn't stop it though - only leaning closer into her touch. Betrayal squirms through her core as she can only watch wide eyed.

"Reyna?" Tegan finally asks and she almost jolts at the sound of her own name on that hateful woman's lips. Donovan whispers his response and she is unable to hear it despite her straining. Whatever response must satisfy her though because she rises from her seat and encircles her arms around his neck.

No, no, no.

Reyna watches in horror as their lips become dangerously close. She's losing his interest right this second with every inch as it falls into Tegan's embrace. And with it - the hope of a life, of beauty, of any happiness. She can't allow it.

She draws back from the keyhole and Reyna straightens her skirts hurriedly, smoothing the creases of midnight silk that seem to ripple with her every move. Reyna knocks loud and clear on the door before opening it without waiting for a reply. A hopeful smile is fixed on her face as she breezes in, lips parted to murmur her greetings -

Her mouth drops open in alleged shock at the sight before her. Donovan with Tegan's arms wrapped around his neck in an embrace. A surprising sight and an upsetting one for any hopeful princess to be. "Oh! Did I interrupt?" She says, willing a pink bloom to enter her cheeks with a hint of hurt in her eyes. The Prince unwinds from Tegan immediately and strides towards her, the girl frowning at being left behind before glaring at Reyna. "I can explain-" he begins but she cuts him off.

"You - you don't need to." Reyna says quietly, lowering her gaze. She hears a loud cough from in front of her but doesn't bother looking up. "It's not what you thought." He says, a desperation entering his voice. He sighs but she just bites her lip. "Reyna look at me." She doesn't. "Reyna-"

"I'll see you later." She finally says before almost running for the door, her skirts trailing behind her as she speeds away, deaf to his protests. She glances at him one last time, a lingering look mingled with hurt that he matches with annoyance - at himself. She then runs down the hallway, conscious to not trip on her billowing layers of tulle before throwing herself down an adjoining hallway. Reyna sucks in a breath, trying and failing to hide the smirk that rises to her lips. Too easy to reel him back in to her. To make him think he must fight for her, chase her, pursue her, be the Prince that gets the Princess. Only she is no princess and he will only discover she was the very thing he hates as she slits his throat on their wedding night. A Witch, if in name only.

And now he will be arriving her rooms in about an hour so Reyna better go prepare the set up.

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