A Promise of Consequence and Blood

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'Since love grows within you, so beauty grows'

Reyna had decided to take a stroll through the palace this morning after realising she still didn't know her way around the place. It was a warm morning, the sun beating gently onto her exposed skin. She had rounded to the back of the palace where she spotted a familiar face jogging the other way. "Fabian!" She called, lifting her arm in greeting. Reyna hadn't seen him since the ball which felt like a while ago now. 

Fabian stopped and turned towards her. "You all right Reyna?" He shouted back and she smiled. "I'm good." She replied, walking towards him. His hair was mussed, face hot and sweaty, clothes clinging to his skin. He grinned as she came closer, a towel swung over his shoulder. "You look...sweaty." She observed, looking him up and down. 

He laughed. "Well. I'm currently training but had to nip to get some towels." He peered closer at her, making Reyna wonder if her kohl had smudged. She looked away under his gaze and then back again in a moment. "Finding something interesting?" She teased, falling into step beside him as they headed towards the barracks. "How's everything going with Donovan?" He asked carefully.

"Has he not told you?"

"We've both been busy." His dark eyes were trained fully ahead.

"Well I'm still here, am I not?"

"Of course, Reyna."

She could see the training up ahead, young men doing push ups while being barked at by a stone faced general. The barracks were huge, surrounding the training yard in a crescent shape. Ivy tracked the walls, grass growing between the stone floor. It looked packed to the brim and Reyna marvelled at it. How had she not noticed the huge structure before? "Do you think you could keep up with it?" Fabian asked as he noticed her watching intently. 

She opened her mouth to say no but then closed it again, considering. Why wouldn't she be able to do it? After all, if she was going to kill a future king, she'd need to know how to fight if things went awry. Her stomach turned at the thought of the inevitable murder but she swallowed her guilt back down. You dug this grave. Now lie in it.

"Only one way to find out, isn't there?" She replied, forcing a smile. Surprise flashed in his gaze but he grinned easily. "Oh alright then." he teased. "Come over here with me and let's see what you've got." She pressed a hand to her chest in mock shock as he led them to a separate yard. Reyna felt the eyes of the soldiers crawl over and she did her best to ignore the sensation. Doing this might make them respect her. If it got back to Donovan, he may consider her a more eligible choice. A Queen who trains with the soldiers rather than overseeing it from a too high balcony. "Training with a Sergeant? I'm honoured." 

"You should be." He responded as they faced each other from opposite sides, two metres apart. Another soldier wandering past let out a cat call at them. "Go on Fabian!" Another shouted from the main yard, others joining in with the cheering. He smirked at them before focusing his attention on Reyna. "Do you know how to fight?"

She'd killed that Wolf, once witch in Valbara or whatever it was. She still remembered the sensation after she killed it, feeling powerful. Invincible. It scared her, that sort of violence. Stupid really because she'd made a deal to kill an actual human being - a Prince nonetheless, who she had begun to like.

"No, I don't know how to fight." She replied. Reyna looked down - she was wearing a floaty pink and yellow coloured dress, various flowers stitched onto the sleeves and the bottom of the gown. Juniper had helped her pick out this morning, gushing that it was perfect. Her hair was tied up into a bun so at least that was practical. "We won't do anything that too drastic." He assured her. "I know you're not really dressed for it, being a future princess and all."

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