A Waking of Freedom and Being

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"The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years." — Audrey Hepburn

The kiss was nothing like Donovan's. It undid her and brought her back together all at once as they shut the door behind them into her room. They'd snuck away after the dance, leaving within minutes of each other before walking back to her room, anticipation trembling between them. Ans as their lips had finally met, something broken within her seemed to finally click into place. It was a hungry, needy kiss, weeks of built up attraction after meeting that first time when she'd tried to break in. She hadn't admitted it at the time, not really, but she'd found him attractive even then. More so, as they had begun training together. Despite how much of a prick he could be, it didn't matter because she was equally as much of a prick. And in his arms, it felt so right. Comfortable. 

She wondered then suddenly, if Donovan walked right in. He'd be in a rage. She'd be kicked out or worse. Fabian would lose his position. She'd die. Although she hated herself for it, she couldn't stop. Didn't want it to stop. She'd never had this before and she enjoyed it. Relished it. She didn't know how long they kissed for. It could have been for a few minutes or half an hour. But when they finally broke apart, her lips felt sore - in the best way. Reyna knew she could take it further than kisses. Yet, none of them could hold to any promises - especially her. He'd hate her soon and all this would be a distant memory, a hateful sin. But not yet. So she would enjoy whatever they had for the borrowed time it was on. 

Reyna grinned at him as she sat on the bed and he followed her, stretching out. "Am I good a kisser?" He asked, rubbing his jaw and she laughed, tilting her head to the ceiling. "What?" He said and he was laughing too. "It's so you for that to be the first thing to say. Like an insecure twelve year old." 

"Does that mean it was bad?" He asked again, both of them now unable to stop their laughter. "Kiss me again and I'll decide." She purred and they both leaned in at the same time, back in this wonderful cycle. With some effort, Reyna finally drew back, licking her lips. The taste of that delicious champagne coated every pat of her mouth. She didn't mind it at all. "Could be worse." She finally said.

"Ah, because you're so experienced." He teased. Her smile faltered at that, remembering the Prince likely in the Ball. With that whore with the name of Tegan. If reading where her thoughts were gone, he tilted her chin up to face him. "Do you regret it?" His voice was soft. 

"I thought I might but I don't, you know?" 

"I was that good of a kisser?" 

"How many girls have you been with?" Reyna wasn't sure whether she wanted to know the answer but asked anyway. "A few." 

"How many is a few?" She was watching him intently and he shrugged, leaning back onto the pillows. "Three. Or four? All of them only lasted a few months."He screwed his face up. "They were mostly only physical." 

"Unneeded information there."

"Sorry. But yeah, nothing serious. The last one ended half a year ago." That made Reyna visibly relax, sinking onto the bed. The space between them felt so small and when she looked at Fabian, he was already looking at her. "I..." she began but he cut her off. 

"I know. No promises." he said, repeating what she had thought earlier. Reyna blinked, the only sign of her surprise. Like their minds were weirdly synced. Fabian did have a strange knack for reading her thoughts - or she was just an open book. She continued to look at him, eyes tracing the slope of his nose, the line of his jaw, the black hair that fell into his face. "Staring?" He murmured, voice soft. "Maybe." She whispered back, running a hand through his silky hair. They stay like that for a while and Reyna scoots closer to him so that her chin is resting on his chest and his arms wrap around her. He exhaled and she can feel the rise and fall of his body as he drifts off to sleep. And soon enough, Reyna followed.

Reyna wakes to the stream of sunlight hitting her face, making her groan in protest as she shielded her face. She rolled over, hitting a body and cracked an eye open. Why is someone in her bed? And then it all comes rushing in - the champagne, the dance, the kissing. Reyna blinked down at herself and discovered last night's gown is still on, rumpled from sleep. Fabian is still dozing beside her and he looked too peaceful to wake. She rubbed her eyes, yawned and padded over to the mirror as quietly as she could. Her hair is a mess, the brooch hanging lopsided in her hair and the silver eye shadow smudged. At least nobody was here to see it. Anyone but the man in the bed at least. And his opinion doesn't matter.

Sighing, Reyna rubs her eyes and turns back to Fabian who is watching her, wide awake. She flinched slightly, jumping back. "You scared me." 

"You're different when you think no one is watching you." He replied.

"Isn't everyone? No expectations?" She countered. When no one was around, why should her spine be straight?  Why should a neutral invitation of politeness by plastered to her face? It was why she liked the silence sometimes. She could peel her mask off and just simply be.

"Is this the time you sneak out the window?" She asked, not waiting for his reply before flopping back into bed, the heat it gave surrounding her like a blanket. A grin spread up his face as he peered out at the windows. Realising how long they had both slept in, being almost midday. "I don't usually sleep in." Fabian replied as he gets out of the bed, clothes creased and hair messy - but his eyes are lighter than usual and unburdened. "I suppose you tired me out." And with a mock salute, he is climbing down from the window via the trellis. She scoffed in response but no annoyance is there. Reyna watches him until he disappears from view, running to the window when he's at the bottom. Fabian doesn't look up again and she scanned her eyes around for anyone who might have seen him. She lets out a sigh of relief when she sees no one in sight. Lucky. 

Reyna called for Juniper, excited to tell her the recent events and the Witch rushed in five minutes later carrying a spread of cheese, fruit and bread for breakfast. They sit like that on the bed, eating the food while Reyna tells her the nights events. Juniper's eyes are wide as saucers throughout and when Reyna finally finished her mouth is in a small o. "That's...a lot." Juniper finally managed, reaching for a cup of steaming green tea. She offers one to Reyna who refuses, her energy abuzz all throughout her body. "What do you think?" Reyna asked eagerly, leaning forward. Juniper's opinion mattered to her - whether she thought the development might affect her relationship with Donovan if she wasn't too careful.

"It's very risky, Reyna. For this relationship between you two - is it worth your life?" The question hangs in the air between them, the same question Reyna has asked herself a million times. To hear it repeated makes her heart sink because she knows Juniper's right. And the answer - it's not worth it at all. "I know." Reyna replies, picking at a slice of cheese before swallowing it. It tastes bland, dry, shrivelled in her mouth and she fought the urge to spit it out. 

"I'll have to relay this to Agnes, you know." The Witch says. "You know I'm loyal to you - but my first loyalty will always be to Valbara."

"What?" Reyna's head snaps up and she shakes her head vehemently. "No. Please no, June." The Witch winces. "Sorry too late."

She groans while Juniper throws her an apologetic look before her blue eyes go distant again, foggy, before clearing. "She has...thoughts."

"When doesn't she have thoughts?"

 Juniper smiles at that but it disappears quickly. "She's intrigued." A pause. "And not surprised. Heavily amused." 

"Of course." A typical Agnes response, from her time knowing the Witch and her goadings their last talk. Juniper bit her lip, playing with one of her fiery ginger curls. "She also wants to speak to you again."

"Not a surprise there."

"No - she wants to speak to you in person. She's coming up to the palace and will be here tomorrow." 

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