An Enemy Of Threats and Memories

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 'Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring' - Marilyn Monroe

Tegan. The girl who had committed to make Reyna's life miserable, who had filled her body with wracking sobs every single day. Seeing her here, glorious and resplendent as ever set something off in Reyna. She had hoped - hoped Tegan had been blamed for her disappearance. Yet here she was. Some people never got consequences for their actions - just breezed through life looking pretty and people would think the best of them anyhow. As Tegan's eyes settled onto Reyna, she waited for that glimmer of recognition. Instead, there was nothing in the girl's eyes that claimed she knew who she was.

it reminded Reyna of how small, how insignificant she had been in Tegan's life. As well as how different she looked from the ugly timid girl she had once known. Well. Reyna certainly wouldn't be timid anymore. She faked a polite smile in her enemy's direction, trying to contain her cold fury. Tegan bowed her head, her poise every movement graceful and elegant. "My King," she began, voice like honey, "I apologise for being so late. My Maid took longer than expected getting me ready."

The King just waved his hand. "Don't worry about it." With it being the last available seat, Tegan sat reluctantly beside Gladys. She put up a good front but Reyna could tell she was disappointed she hadn't been sat next to Donovan. At that, Reyna felt rather smug. As if she had won some victory in a way. "I'm Tegan." She introduced, talking to Everly. Of course she'd try to befriend the Princess. Reyna felt a flash of annoyance, remembering she couldn't tell Everly what Tegan was really like, what she had done to her. "I'm not going to bother introducing myself." Her friend replied. "Where are you from?"

"You probably won't know it. It's a town down South called Deidre." Everly looked thoughtful, chewing a slice of watermelon. "I think I've heard of it. Isn't that where that girl went missing?" Reyna's heart began to hammer uncontrollably, focusing on her food and other conversations around the room. She willed the flush to leave her cheeks, keeping her head down. "I knew her." Tegan whispered. "A sad little girl. A laughing stock. No one will be mourning her loss." Reyna could hear the glee in her voice and it was all she could do not to grab the nearest piece of cutlery and stab it through her throat.

Everly looked at Tegan curiously - undisguised disgust mixed in her expression. "That's a very unempathetic way to be talking about someone." She said slowly. "As a potential future Queen, you should care about your people. Even the sad ones."

"I-" Tegan began but Everly cut her off. Her brown eyes were blazing as she leaned forward. She looked every inch a royal. "You've disappointed me. I hope you think about what you're saying next time we speak. I'll be telling my brother my opinion of you." Tegan opened her mouth before closing it again, clearly not knowing what to say in response to that. Her pride wouldn't allow her to apologise. Reyna relished this, fighting to hide her smirk. 

Everly stood up abruptly, drawing stares from across the room. "If you'll excuse me." She turned to Reyna. "Come with?" She nodded, standing up and following the Princess out the room. Already she'd distinguished herself as a favourite of the Prince's sister. Reyna was sure Donovan cared about his sister's opinion - she was already put at an advantage from the other girls. Tegan, a disadvantage. 

Everly was openly seething as they made their way down the hall. "Can you believe her?" She shook her head. "She seems awful. I'd rather spend an eternity in Valbara than be her sister-in-law." She leered.

"It definitely wasn't nice." Reyna agreed. 

"Well, of course you'd say that." Everly replied with a laugh. "She's your competition." 

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