Observe and Protect

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You ended up staying at the Miya house for dinner. The twins' mom made a meal that you thought was better than anything the orphanage had ever given you.

Once you all had eaten, you and the twins went into a different room. You could tell Atsumu was unhappy that you were still at their house. Osamu, however, seemed to only get happier with the longer you stayed there with him.

"Wait here, Y/n. I gotta go pee, I'll be back." And off Osamu ran to the bathroom.

And so you were left alone in a room with Atsumu. You tried smiling at him. "H-how are you, Atsumu?"

"Why are you still here? Leave my house."

You flinched. "Your mom said she'd take me back in a little."

"Stop stealing Osamu."

Unknown to both of you, Osamu was watching you two from the hallway. He frowned, seeing how his twin was acting towards you.

"I didn't think I was stealing him...."

"Ya are! He's playin with you all the time! He's my twin!"

"I'm sorry. He's my only friend."

"Then be friends with that girl at our table!"

You thought about Rei and knew she didn't really talk to you. "I don't think she wants to be my friend...."

"Then be alone."

Osamu finally had enough of his twin being this rude to you. "Atsumu. That's not nice. I'm friends with Y/n and I'm not gonna leave her by herself."

"What about me?" The ruder twin had a demanding tone to his voice.

"We're twins! That's different! Lemme be friends with Y/n! She has no one else!"

"But she can be friends with girls."

Osamu's frown deepened. "Be nice to her. No one else tries to be her friend. So I'm gonna keep being her friend."

"Why is she so important?! She's just a stupid girl!"

"Y/n is not like that! She's really nice and fun to be with!"

Atsumu huffed, arms crossed over his chest. "What's so good about her?"

Osamu glared at his twin. "If ya can't see how great Y/n is, then that's yer problem. I like her and that's why we're friends!"

You smile at your friend, still feeling kind of nervous around his twin. "Thanks Osamu. I'm glad we're friends. I wanted to try being friends with Atsumu too, but it looks like that's not gonna happen. If Atsumu doesn't want to be my friend, that's ok. You two shouldn't fight because of me."

Before either twin could let even just a single word out, their mother appeared in the room. "Aw, how mature of you. Y/n. As much as I hate breaking up this sweet moment, I think it's time I take ya back to the orphanage now. Ya ready to go?"

You quickly glance at the twins, then back to their mother. "I'm ready. I'll see you tomorrow, Osamu." You wave as you grab your things and follow Mrs. Miya to the door of the house.

Once outside the house, Mrs. Miya looks at you. "It's sweet to ya to stick around for a while. Osamu seemed to be all smiles around ya. Yer so mature for yer age, not lettin it get to ya that not everyone will want to be yer friend. How'd ya learn to be like that?"

"I observe others. I'm almost always alone at the orphanage, so I have to learn things all on my own."

"Must be quite sad and lonely at that orphanage."

You shrug. "It can be. But at least I get to leave and see Osamu everyday."

Mrs. Miya smiled. "Osamu is pretty important to you, isn't he?"

"He is. Osamu was the first and only person to even try talking to me and be my friend. He's kinder than most people I've encountered. And he'll stand up for me, even against his own twin. Osamu is the most important person to me."

The mother felt her heart swell with happiness, a hope for the future blooming within her mind. "That's wonderful. I hope it stays that way. Osamu tries his best to be good. I think you two will be together for the rest of your lives."

"Would that even be possible?"

"Would what be possible?"

"Is it even possible for Osamu to always be with me?"

"I think it is."

"I have doubts."

Your statement surprised Mrs. Miya. "What doubts can you have?"

"I'm worried that things will change as we get older. Maybe, one day, Osamu will have other friends and will forget about me. I'm scared he'll abandon me just like so many others have in my life."

"That's a pretty big fear to have for someone your age."

"It's reasonable, considering my living situation."

"What if your living situation were to change?"

You look up at the woman. "How?"

She gave you a warm smile. "How would you like to be adopted by me and my husband? You could live with us instead of being stuck at that orphanage?"

"Then... Osamu would be my brother?"

"Not necessarily. My intention is to give you a home outside of the orphanage. You kids don't have to consider each other as family."

"Would... would you really let me live with you and your family?"

"Of course! It's better than being stuck in your current living situation, isn't it?"

"Well... yeah. But... would Osamu and Atsumu be ok with it?"

The mother shrugged. "I think Osamu would be thrilled. Atsumu will learn to deal with it. But don't worry about them. What do you want?"

You thought for a moment, tears building in your eyes. "I want to live in an actual house, with other people like a normal family."

"Then, I'll be rescuing you from the orphanage tomorrow after you get done with school. Come straight back to the orphanage and I'll be waiting to bring you home."

The tears start streaming down your face, a smile slowly spreading across your lips. "Thank you.... Thank you so much."

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