Volleyball Club

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Komori walked over to you. "Hey, Y/n, are you ok? Do you need anything?"

You look at the boy you had found out was Sakusa's cousin. "I'm fine. I'm supposed to be taking care of you guys. There's no need for you all to ask me that."

Komori smiled, somewhat shy all of a sudden. "Well, all of us guys wanna make sure you're comfortable here. We're thrilled you're our manager and just want you to stay."

"No need to worry about that. Sakusa asked, and I agreed. I'm bored in my free time."

"Really? What do you do in your free time?"

You look at the boy, a small smile on your face. "Not much, usually just call or text people from back home."

He sits beside you, curiosity in his eyes. "Where is your home?"

"The Hyogo prefecture."

His eyes widened. "That's pretty far from here."

You nod. "Yeah. I don't wanna discuss the reasoning behind that decision."

"I won't pry."


"Y/n." Another voice called out to you.

You turn around and smile at the tall boy. "Hey, Sakusa. Everything alright?"

He just stares at you, a blank expression on his face. "What are you doing?"

"Just talking with Komori."

Komori looked nervously at his cousin. "I was just making some small talk with her."

Sakusa's eyes narrowed at his cousin. "What about?"

The boy flinched, his nervousness growing. "Just about her being a manager and what she does in her free time."

Sakusa's eyes widened slightly for a moment. "Why did you wanna know what she does in her free time?"

"I was just curious."

You step into the conversation. "It's nothing to worry about, Sakusa. It's not really anything personal."

Sakusa shifts his attention to you. "As long as you're fine with it."

You smile at him. "See, nothing to worry about."

Komori let out the breath he'd been holding. "It's impressive you can deal with Sakusa so easily."

"That's cuz we're friends!"

Sakusa takes a seat beside you. "Speaking of that, why do you talk with the other members of the team so much? Aren't we friends?"

"We are. But I'm also the manager for the team. It's my job to talk with everyone and help the members out. I'm just doing my manager duties. There's no need to get jealous or feel lonely." You smile at him, an attempt to reassure the boy of your friendship.

He nods. "I guess you're right. It's still weird to see you getting closer to all these germs, though."

You chuckle. "I get it. I'm not getting too close, as long as I'm not needed to. There's nothing to worry about, Sakusa."

He hums. "I see."

Komori gains your attention once more. "It's kind of impressive that you handle him so well, Y/n. The rest of us can barely get him to speak to us, and he usually keeps a huge distance. It's actually a great thing that you're here, you help so much with him."

You shrug. "I don't see how anyone struggles with him. But I guess it makes sense, since he's a germaphobe and doesn't really like getting close to people. It's my pleasure to help out however I can."

You sigh, looking at the message on your phone.

<Osamu: whatcha been up to lately?>

You decided to call the boy, figuring it's been too long since you two actually talked to each other.

He answered the phone, a slightly surprised tone to his voice. "Hey, Y/n. What's up?"

You smile at the sound of his voice. "Just been busy here. I joined as the manager for the boy's volleyball club."


"Yeah. Is that surprising to you?"

He sighed on his end. "Kinda. But, I'm glad you're doing something you enjoy."

"It's actually more fun than I thought it would be. The guys are nice, and it's really cool to be involved with volleyball."

"Yeah, it's a fun sport."

"It is. So how have you been, Osamu?"

The boy hesitated for a moment, then spoke his mind. "It's lonely here. I really miss you."

Your smile falls slightly. "I miss you too. It's not the same without my best friend."

On the other line of the phone, Osamu clenched his fist over his chest, feeling hurt that you still only think of him as a friend. "Yeah. It's weird not having you around still. Ma misses ya too."

"I miss her too. I'll probably give her a call later."

"Are ya ever gonna come back to Hyogo, Y/n?"

You paused for a moment, unsure of what to say. "I don't know. If it weren't for Atsumu, I'd probably have stayed in Hyogo. I might come back one day, probably after high school."

"I really want to see you again."

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