Chapter 23: i guess ill just keep listening...

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Bethany's POV:

Friday morning....

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned and got out of bed. I checked my phone and... Argh today is my date with Brad! And I have to call the Lynch's.

I got dressed then finally went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I have like 7 hours before our date since its 10:00am and our date starts at 5:30pm...

I guess I could go shopping or something? Yeah, okay, I'll go out shopping! Might as well buy something new for my date, right

Rydel's POV:

Ahhh I cannot believe we just arrived in NYC! I literally LOVE this place.

"Hey, wanna go for a walk?" Ellington said while entering the bus with Rocky and Riker.

"Uh, yeah, of course!" I replied, smiling.

We all went to go see Ross, and asked him if he wanted to come.

He said yes, and we left for our walk.

After talking and walking, we decided to stop somewhere for lunch, since it was 12:30pm.

We found this cute little fast food restaurant, and man, was it ever delicious!

After eating lunch, we went back to our bus. The boys went in the back to play video games, while I went in the bathroom to fix my hair and make up.

I checked the time and... Oh my! It's already 2:30pm?!

Good thing we don't have a concert tonight! We have one tomorrow, though.

I'm gonna text Beth and see what she's up to.

Me: heey bethany!

I texted and waited for a reply. After about 15 minutes, I finally got a reply.

Bethany: hey delly! What's up?

Me: ah nothing. What about you?

Bethany: well, I'm actually at the mall!

Me: oouh!

Bethany: hmmm I might need your help.

Me: with what? :)

Bethany: I can't choose between two outfits...

Bethany sent me two photos of her in different dresses.

Me: well, what's the occasion?

Bethany's POV:

Rydel: well, what's the occasion?

urghh. I really didn't want to tell Rydel about my date with Brad... I guess I'm gonna have to.

Me: uh, date, actually

Rydel: wait what?!

Me: it's kind of a complicated story... Anyways, which dress?

Rydel: no no no! I got alllllllll day. Call me and tell me.

I hesitated. Fine, I guess I'll call her...

"Date?! DATE?!" She said, sounding, well, upset, confused and happy.

"Okay, when I was hanging out with Brad-"

"BRAD ASKED YOU OUT?!" She shouted into the phone.

Ross' POV:

"brad asked you out!?" I heard Rydel shout at the other end of the bus. I don't know if anyone else heard her, but I'm still gonna go see what's going on.

"I'll be back" I said.

Rydel was in our room, with the door shut.

It sounded like she was... talking to someone?

"Wait, so, you agreed to go on a date with him?" She said.

Who is she talking about? I know earlier she said Brad... Oh! She's probably talking to Beth... Waaaait! Beth is going on a date with Brad?!

"Ohhh okay, so he asked YOU out, right, Beth?" She told her.

Okay, so now I know she's talking to Beth.

"Okay, so, from what I understand... Brad likes you?" Rydel asked.

Okay... So, I think Brad likes Beth...

"Oh, okay! Well, have fun on your date with Brad! Talk to you later, Kay, bye!" Rydel said.

Beth is going out with Brad... That makes me feel kinda... I don't-

"Ross?!" Rydel replied, once she opened the door to leave our room and saw me standing there, she clearly could tell I was listening.


"Were you listening to all that?!" She replied, sounding kinda annoyed.

"Well, no. Actually, kinda. But like I missed half of it! Don't worry-"

"Ross. I know you're lying."

"Okay, fine. Yes, I was listening. I just heard you shout something and I wanted to see what was going on. And then, I heard you talking about Beth and Brad going on a date and..." I said, but suddenly trailed off.

"Oh...umm, yeah, are you, um, okay?"

"Yes! I'm totally fine! Bethany can do whatever she wants. It's just, um, I feel kinda uncomfortable about it..."

"Ross, if you're jealous, you should just tell her!" She answered, smiling.

"Pfft! I am NOT jealous!" I said, trying not to make eye contact.

"Suuuurrreee. I know you like Beth... It's totally normal!" She told me.

"Okay, whatever. I think I'll just talk to her later about it..."

"Oh, Kk, if you want to. I don't think she's busy."

"Well, thanks Rydel." I replied.

She smiled, than went to the back of the bus.

I need to call Beth later...

I think I might wanna tell her that I love her.

but here's a pretty long chapter for you guys 💕
Have a wonderful summer!
-Alexa <3

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