Chapter 1: Lets go to the beach.

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Bethany's POV:

I woke up today to see that it was 10:30am and I was suppose to be at the Lynch's at 10am! I jumped out of bed and quickly did my hair and make up. I stuffed my phone in my purse and ran down stairs.

"Morning sweetie! Why are you in such a rush?" My mom asked as I poured some cereal in a bowl.

"I'm going to the Lynch's. I was suppose to be there half an hour ago!" I replied.

I quickly eat my breakfast and got a text from Ross, my best friend saying:

"Beth! You coming?"

"Yeah Ross! Sorry I woke a little later than expected." I replied.

I ran out the door and jumped into my car and drove to the Lynch's house. I got there by 11am.

Rydel's POV:

Me and the boys were all just sitting on the couch, on our phones when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and started walking to the door when Ross got up and said:

"That's probably Beth!"

He got up and pushed me out of the way and ran to the door. Gosh, thanks Ross.

He opened the door, smiled and said:

"Hey Beth. Come on in!"

She entered, smiled back and waved at us.

"Ready to go to the beach?" Ratliff got up and asked.

"Yep! Let's go." She replied and we left to the beach.

We all got up and walked towards her car.

"Oh, we aren't all gonna fit in one car! How about Rocky, Riker and Ratliff go in Riker's car?" Beth suggested.

"Sure. Come guys." Rocky replied and went into Riker's car with Ratliff.

Ross' POV:

About ten minutes later, we arrived at the beach. We all got out of the car and walked towards the water.

"Wow! It's a beautiful day today. I think I'm gonna tan." Bethany said and pulled out a towel.

After an hour of swimming, Rydel suggested we get ice cream. As we walked towards the Dairy Queen nearby, Rydel said:

"Beth, did you wanna sleep over tonight?"

"Of course! I'll just call my mom later to ask." She answered.

I love how my sibling get along with my best friend, it makes things easier for me. When we got to Dairy Queen, we all ordered than sat at a table and ate our ice cream.

"So, when are you guys going on tour again?" Bethany asked.

"Well, in around a month, I'm pretty sure." Rocky replied.

"Aww, I'll really miss all of you guys! How long is the tour?" Beth said.

"About a month. And we will really miss you too! Haha" Ratliff answered.

"It's fine, we will call you and FaceTime you like everyday!" I said, smiling.

She just smiled back. After we ate our ice cream Riker said:

"Why don't we go home? Mom probably wants us home soon."

"Yeah, we should probably go." I answered, picked up our stuff and walked towards the car.

We walked and entered the car and drove home. When we got there, bethany looked at me and said:

"Oh... I wasn't expecting to sleepover so I have nothing for tonight. Do you think I can drive home and get my stuff?"

"Of course. I'll come with you!" I told her.

Everyone went inside and Beth and I drove back to her home. In the car, beth asked:

"Sooo... Are you excited for touring?!"

"Um yeah of course! Haha! I can't wait to meet all the fans and perform every night. It's gonna be awesome! Except, I'm really sad I won't be able to see you for a month though." I replied. For some reason, talking to beth alone made me kinda nervous. Weird.

"Don't worry, a month isn't that long!"

We got to her house and she ran inside, got her stuff and came back out with all her stuff.

We drove back to my house and went to go join my brothers and Rydel.


hey guys!!
First chapter:)
Hope you guys like it!
Comment if you want more:)
I'll try to update as much as possible.

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