Chapter 24:

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Bethany's POV:

I finally picked something to wear for my date with Brad. Gosh, it took a while!

It's 3:00pm and our date starts at 5:30pm... Urgh, I still had so much time!

To be honest, at first I really didn't want to go on this date... But right now, I'm kinda excited!

I mean, I never really been on many dates.... I've only been on, like, none... And I really think Brad likes me. So, I'm excited to see what he has planned.

Although, I kinda hoped my first date would be would Ross, but whatever!

I am kinda worried, though... What if Ross finds out? He might think I like Brad and I don't want that.

I mean, I don't HATE Brad... I just like him as a friend. But I don't want him to find out, he might be confused because I did say yes to go on a date with him.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I checked to see who it was. 'Ross' my phone read. Ummmm... Should I pick it up? No, I shouldn't. Actually, what are the chances he knows about my date with Brad? I'll answer.

I picked up my phone and said; "hello?"

"YOURE GOING ON A DATE WITH BRAD?!" He replied, sounding, I don't know, mad?

Oh no. How the heck did he know?! Did Rydel, the ONLY person who knew, (other than me and Brad) tell him?! Urghh.

"Ummm... Yes, actually. Why?" I answered, sounding confused.


"I don't know! I didn't want you guys to know!" I told him.

"Why wouldn't you want us to know? What do you think we're going to do?! Fly back over there and make sure that date doesn't happen?" He said, sounding VERY annoyed.

"No, I just... I... Are you mad?"

"Why would i be mad?!"

"Well, you sound mad..."

He didn't answer. There was an awkward silence before he said;

"Maybe a little..."

"Why, though? There's no need to be mad."

Awkward silence again.

"Look, I don't really wanna talk about this right now... It's kinda complicated." He answered, sounding clearly nervous.

"Ross! You've said that many times before! I feel like you're keeping something from me..."

"I'm not! It's nothing personal or anything..."

"Than why can't you tell me?!" I said, getting mad.

"Okay maybe it is a bit personal! I rather tell you in person!" He replied, obviously getting mad, too.

"How come you didn't tell me before you left for tour?!" I yelled.

"Well, maybe I didn't want to!" He yelled back.

"I don't see what can be so dang personal that you don't even want to tell your best friend!" I said to him, right now, I'm really mad.



"OH YEAH?! SO, YOUR TELLING ME THAT THERE IS NOT ONE THING YOU HAVENT TOLD ME?! I DONT BELIEVE THAT!" He told me, trying (and succeeding) to prove a point.

"Well... Not exactly! That's not what I meant! I just-"

"Why do you even wanna know so badly?"

To be honest, I didn't know how to answer that.

"Just the fact that I know you're keeping something from me, makes me mad!" I answered.

"I don't even feel like talking anymore... bye, Bethany." He said.

"NO, ROSS WAI-" I started but then was cut off by the sound of him hanging up the phone.

I felt horrible.

Like, more than horrible, actually.

I, Bethany Noel Mota, just had my first fight ever with my best friend for years, Ross Shor Lynch.

I mean, we never fight! This isn't normal!

I just wanted to scream, and cry and beg him to forgive me...

I hope he isn't that mad! Actually, he can't possibly be that mad! Right?

Who am I kidding... He's probably more than mad...

I don't even know what to do anymore.

Ooouuh first fight!
Sorry for such a late update... I have been really busy.
Hope you guys like!
Remember, I love you!
-Alexa :)

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