Chapter 6: Lets race.

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Ross' POV:

We were at the mall, waiting in the food court. Rydel & Bethany were at forever 21 for like an hour!

On the phone....

"Rydel! Where are you?! You said you'd be in the food court at 1:45pm." I asked in the phone.

"Oh my gosh! Sorry, we totally forgot! We'll just buy what we wanted and then meet with you right away." She replied, then hung up.

About 15 minutes later, Rydel and Beth came into the food court and walked towards us.

"Hey! Finally! We've been waiting. I'm starving, can we eat?" Ratliff said.

"Yes we can." Rydel told him, smiling.

We all went to go order. We came back and sat down when Rocky asked:

"What did you guys get at forever 21?"

"Oh, just a couple of dresses, a pair of heels, some accessories and that's pretty much it." Beth smiled.

"That's a lot! Where did you guys wanna go next?" I said.

"Hmmm it's already 2.00pm and Bethany has to go at 4:00pm... So, I don't really know what we can do!" Rydel said, laughing.

"Why don't we just go back home?" Rocky suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good." Bethany answered.

After we all ate and talked, we were finally ready to go home. We walked outside and went into the car.

Rydel's POV:

About 15 minutes later, we were at home. We entered then sat on the couch all together.

"So, what do you wanna do here?" Ratliff asked.

"Can we play a video game?" Ross replied.

"Yeah!" Rocky and Ratliff said at the same time.

"I'll watch." I told everyone.

"Um, I guess I could play! What are we playing?" Beth asked.

Ross showed the game cased and smirked.

"Urgh, I suck at that! You know I can't race, right?" Bethany complained, smiling. "I don't even remember how to play."

"I'll show you." Ross said, putting the disc in the game console.

They started up the game, and everyone grabbed a controller.

"So, it's pretty simple. You press this to go, this to stop and this to turn. That's it!" Ross explained.

"Okay! Sounds easier than last time. I'll try." Bethany said.

They started racing, the boys were all at the front and Beth was falling behind.

"Told you! I'm not good at racing games!" Bethany said, smiling.

"Don't worry, we all sucked at first." Ratliff told her.

"Wait! Can I jump?" Beth asked.

"You're a car. Cars don't jump." Rocky said, laughing.

"Oh okay." She answered, giggling.

They continued racing, and Bethany was still falling behind.

"Wait... What's happening?" Bethany said, looking at Ross then at the screen.

Ross stopped racing and turned to her.

"Beth, your going the wrong way." He said.

"Oh! How do I switch directions?"

Ross placed his hands over hers on the controller and turned her around. She was just smiling at him. Then she noticed I was looking at her, and she immediately stopped staring at him.

"There! Your turned around." Ross said, going back to his controller.

They all continued, Bethany was catching up a bit, not by much though.
Bethany hit a bolder and somehow turned around again.

"Urgh! Am I going the wrong way?" She asked.

"Yes you are." Ross answered, focused on the screen.

"... Can you help me?" She said.

Ross sighed and turned to her. He did the same thing as the first time: he put his hands over hers on the controller and turned her around. After, they looked at each other and were kinda just awkwardly staring at each other.

"Ross! Ross! Your car just flipped! Ross!" I was trying to tell him.

"Oh! Uhh..." He said, turning around trying to find his controller. He finally found it and continued playing the game.

I wonder if Ross is starting to have feelings for Beth?

Here you go guys!
I hope you like:)
I actually really like this chapter.

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