Chapter 7: Lets not be alone

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Bethany's POV:

We continued playing the video game until 3:00pm.

"Beth, you have to go at 4:00pm, right?" Ross asked me.

"Um yeah. I wish I could stay longer though..." I replied.

"Well, I think we're gonna rehearse a bit tonight since the tour is coming up soon, you can come over tomorrow probably." Ross said, smiling.

"Oh um no she can't. Mom's gonna clean the house so she doesn't really want anyone over. Sorry!" Rocky told me.

Dang it... I'm really gonna miss them while the go on tour so I want to hang out with them as much as possible.

"Wait! Maybe we can go to your house!" Ross suggested.

"Ross... There's no way you, Rocky, Ratliff, Riker and Rydel are all gonna fit in my house with my mom and dad..." I answered.

"Nooo! I mean, you can just invite a few of us for a couple of hours." Ross said.

"Ohhh! That might work. But who am I gonna bring?" I asked.

"I can't hang out tomorrow, it's my cousins birthday." Ratliff told me.

"Me and Riker are planning on picking up the guitars for the tour and buy some tour essentials." Rocky said.

"Okay! So, Ross, Rydel? You guys busy?" I asked.

"Nope!" They both replied.

"Alright! You guys wanna come over to my house tomorrow?" I said.

"Yeah, of course!" Rydel answered.

"When?" Ross asked.

"I'm how about 5:00pm until 8:00pm? You can have supper with me." I suggested.

"Sounds good! We'll be there." Ross told me, smiling.

"So, what do you wanna do know?" Rydel said.

"Well, it's 3:30pm... So I guess we can just chill for a bit." I said back to Rydel.

Rydel's POV:

"Yeah sure!" I replied.

Rocky and Ratliff went to go join Riker in the basement to watch a movie that we weren't interested in. So, it was just Me, Beth and Ross. I sorta wanted to leave, so Bethany and Ross can be alone for a bit, so I did.

"Where are you going?" Ross asked, looking sort of nervous.

"Uh just to the bathroom and plug in my phone, it died on me." I said back.

Ross' POV:

Thank you very much, Rydel. Now I'm alone with Bethany. For some reason, it was so awkward. I was so nervous, I could barely speak!

"So, Ross, you excited for tour? You know, performing every night... Sounds so fun!" Bethany asked me, breaking the silence.

"Yeah! Im so excited to leave. Except im really gonna miss everything and everyone here. Especially yo-" I stopped talking.

"Especially....?" Beth said.

"Um never mind. Not important! So, how are you?" I replied, awkwardly.

"I'm good. Are you okay, Ross? You've been acting a little weird lately."

"Um yeah I-I'm great! It's j-just that I'm a l-little nervous for t-tour..." I lied.

"Are you sure? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes! Totally fine..." I said, lying because I actually felt a little weird.

"Okay... Well if anythings wrong you can always talk to me about it! I mean, we're best friends, right? You can tell me anything." She said.

"Um yeah... Right." I answered.


"Yeah... We're best friends." I said.

"Why do you sound so unsure of your self?" She asked, looking a bit mad.

"No reason! I'm just a little tired... But yeah of course, we're best friends." I answered, looking down at my hands.

"Ross... What's wrong? I know your not saying the truth."

"What do you mean? We are best friends!"

"No! I know that... But why are you acting so weird?!" Bethany asked, sounding concerned.

"Um well...." I started, but immediately stopped. I can't tell her I'm starting to have feelings for her! She'll think I'm crazy! I know she won't like me back.

"Well? Ross, I'm serious. What's wrong?" She asked, looking at me. I was still looking at my hands though.

"Hey guys! Sorry I took so long, mom needed my help with something." Rydel said, coming into the room.

Thank goodness she came back! That was so awkward between me and Bethany....

Heyy guys!
I like this chapter:)
I hope you lovelies do!
Btw, the name of the chapter "let's not be alone" was because of R5's song, "Let's not be alone" :)
I'm just saying! :P

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