Chapter 57: Awake

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Susan drank out of the bottle of whiskey as she stare at the hateful comment about her online.

"I can't stay here, maybe I should leave and then come back for Chantel later" she muttered knowing how violent Chantel's fans are.

Of course Chantel would never let that happen!

A call came in and she answered swiftly.

"How is it going? Have you find a way to get me out of the country? I can't get caught you know that" She asked.

"I found a way, I'll send you a address. Meet us there" George said over the phone, he is one of her father's men taking care of her son.

"By the way miss, are you alright?" Goerge asked.

"How does it matter to you. Just make sure I get out of here!" Susan snapped before ending the call.

Her phone beeped and she checked on it instantly. George sent the address and asked her to meet him there by 9:00pm.

"I've done what you asked me to do, can you please stop glaring at me" George said to Enzo who was sitting before him.

"If she doesn't show up, then you'll face the consequences" Enzo said coldly before standing to leave.

"Miss definitely messed with the wrong person" George muttered.

Susan eyes dart around the dark cold street as she kept on walking towards the address given to her. She reached the strange place and call George's number.

He didn't pick up. Before she could flare up in anger, her phone beep as a message dropped in.


Susan frowned looking at the strange place. Is George serious right now. A part was telling her not to walk in while the other was telling her she had no choice. There's no way she'll go back to that hiding place of hers.

She walked pass the gate, and texted George to come out but heard a gowling sound behind her. Turning back slowly, her eyes met with three bull dogs snaring dangerously at her.

"Fuck!" She sped up to the gate and the dogs chased after her. Getting to the gate, she made to open it but it was locked.

What the hell!!

The next thing she felt was the teeth of one of the dog on her leg. "Let go of me!!" She cried out in pain.

Another one bit her hand gruesomely. The last one was barking at her driving fear into her system.

She struggled so much but the dog was strong for her. Just when she thought she was about to die, someone blew a whistle. As if been controlled, the dogs stop biting her and went back subserviently.

Susan breath was heavy, she quickly stood up and staggered at each step she took. There are wounds on her arm, leg and waist. Tears pour down her eyes.

"Father save me" she muttered with her eyes closed as she kept on walking.

"There she is!!" Someone exclaimed, and she stopped.

There are a group of people who seems to be waiting.

"I guess the rumours was right, she actually show her disgusting face" One of them said staring hatefully at her.

"Why does she look like this?"

"Who cares, the main thing is that she does not deserve any pity"

Chantel's fans!!

Someone told them she will be here? Does that mean George betrayed her? She turn and began to run. Due to her wounds she was slow, the people caught her.

Susan had never received such a beating. She saw her life flashed before her.

Some even smash rotten eggs on her then pour sand on her, making her look disgusting.

A car stop before them and a man step down.

"This is the police!" The man yelled and they all scurried away.

Susan felt relief, even though she heard the word police. At least she won't face something like this in jail.

"Get up" The man dragged her up by her hand and pushed her into the car.

Susan sight were blurry as the car began to take her to an unknown place. She frowned seeing they are not heading towards the station or the hospital. Come to think of it, this car doesn't look like a police car, it look too expensive.

"Where are you taking me sir" she asked weakly but the man didn't reply. The car stopped, he got down and locked her in.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!!" She yelled.

The man removed his black sunglasses and stared down at her coldly. Enzo!!

"What?" Susan muttered as fear grew inside her.

Enzo gave her an evil smile. Susan tried to open the door but no avail. She look forward and spot another car.

A figure stepped down from it.

Her aura was like a dangerous queen. She was the master plan of everything happening to her.


"You! This is all your doing!!" Susan exclaimed in the car. Chantel chuckled, loving the scene before her. She was a little satisfied.. but this isn't the end of Susan's punishment anyway.

"Long time no see Susan" Chantel said lightly.

"I guess this is the real you. I'm sure your fans think of you as a good person, not knowing you are just a wolf in a sheep cloth!"

"My side depends on who you are. Your character reflect how mine will be. Remember the word I told you the day your bought Avis into my house?" Chantel.

'Mess with me and I'll gladly return the favour to you in three folds' Susan recalled those word.

The dogs

Her fans

And now this? Only God knows what Chantel plan for her next.

"This car is hacked already. How about you have a taste of your medicine?" Chantel asked.

"No.." Susan eyes widened when the car engine on by itself.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" Chantel said.

"No!! No!! You can't do this Chantel! Fine I accept my mistake! Please don't do this!!" Susan got so scared. The memories of her accident years ago kicked in, Dustin death and the way she went insane.

"Chantel don't!! I'm sorry!!" She screamed in tears not minding the pain in her stomach.

"Please I beg you" Susan shook her head.

"I'll let you go under one condition. I'll ask you a question. Your answer depends whether I'll let you go or not" Chantel said.

"I'll do anything!"

"Here is the question.. If I'm in your shoe right now begging you to let me go.. would you let me go?" Chantel asked and Susan went mute.

Enzo was behind enjoying the way His boss's wife is torturing the woman.

Not getting any reply Chantel spoke again. "I guess not. Enjoy the ride Susan"

The car began to move and Susan scream rented the place.


Back in the hospital Rana was busy with her phone, checking out Chantel's statue and going through the offer given to her.


Her eyes widened hearing the voice. She palm her lips seeing Dominic's eyes half opened.

He is awake!!

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