Chapter 1: Same Old Feelings

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TW: Light panic attack- I think that's it.

James POV:

  James walked through the Great Hall slowly. Colorful banners hung from the ceiling; showcasing each house. Students turned their heads to look at James before they decided to turn around again. They have been doing that recently. Staring, glaring, then ignoring. It wasn't that he cared much, hell, he really didn't give a fuck. It was just a bit odd. Usually they would smile and wave but now, it was just that same sequence of movements. He neared his friends quickly, Sirius was clinging onto the top of Remus' arm while Peter was shoving a large piece of pancake into his mouth.

  "Sorry boys, that I'm late. Ran into Mr. Preppy Pants and he gave me just a wonderful time." James spoke sarcastically; referring to Snape. This was enough for even Peter to look up.

  "Ah. Well sorry I missed that show. That little bitch can go suck it." Sirius grins proudly at him while detaching himself from Remus.

  Remus made a small sound of annoyance before rummaging around in his small brown book bag. James sat down and started to load up his plate with scrambled eggs, toast, a piece of bacon, and some fruit.

  "Feeding the poor aren't we?" Sirius asked.

  "Mhm sure." James said absentmindedly. On top of everyone ignoring him, he hasn't really been all there. Sure, he's been physically present to all his classes, meals, and quidditch practices, but he was not much there mentally. He noticed this yesterday. Well, he didn't, it was actually Lily.

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  They were in the common room. Peter and Sirius were playing off at wizard chess, while Remus, Lily, and James sat at the couch reading. Remus and Lily were reading. James just had a book out.

  "You find that page interesting, Jamie?" Lily had asked.

  "Huh- Oh uhm yeah. Real interesting." James replied quietly.

  "Mate, you've been on the same page for about an hour. What's going on?" Remus asked. "And if I happen to ask you what that page, no, paragraph is about, would you tell me?"

  "Well- uh, it's about..." James stuttered.

  He really hadn't been reading it. He was thinking about Lily. Not that she was just perfect like he has thought, but she has been very close lately. That should be a good thing, but it just wasn't what he thought. However, he dismissed this thought because really, he hasn't even dated or kissed her...yet.

  "Prongs, my love, my darling, my soulmate, my one-of-a-kind, you've been daydreaming! Anyone in that little mind of yours?" Sirius said abruptly, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

  "Eh, I mean I guess but nothing like that! You're sick, I think." James stated.

  Remus and Peter silently gave a nod in agreement before Sirius dramatically faints and calls for assistance. What a drama king! James thought.

"Yeah. Fucking sick to the bones." Sirius had said.

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  "EARTH TO FUCKING PRONGS?!?!" Sirius said aggressively, waving and snapping his fingers in front of James' face. Ultimately bringing James back to reality, yet again.

  "Huh?" James asks, blinking while looking at Sirius.

  "You should go to the hospital wing. You have been like, nodding off but not sleeping, a lot lately!" Sirispus exclaims.

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