Chapter 11: There is No Me After Me

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OK so I know I didn't get a timeline like what month it is or anything which you know it's kind of my fault. I kind of forgot about it but we're gonna say it's one week away from Christmas break because I said so. lol so yeah we're gonna do a big skip here :')

Tw: Walburga referencing, arguing, tiny little bit of an eating disorder-nothing terrible. (I think that's it:) )

Reggie (1st person) POV:

It's been a couple weeks (it's been a couple monthhssssss 🎶) since the party 'fiasco'. I ended up getting out of there before Peter or Sirius got up. Since then, I've mastered two things. Ignoring and insulting. Now, I've always been good at these two things, but I think I have gotten better at both.

My relationships with the 'gang' isn't the best, especially James. I've been very mean to him in particular. He always comes up behind me in the halls or just says 'Hi' at random times. This is nice, but I cannot let anybody know about me hanging out with them. It would not go well for any of us.

They've been purposely trying to get my attention for the last two weeks now. (We love one sentence paragraphs lol)

I'm not happy with my decision to ignore them, but I know it is needed. I want so bad to tell James that he's not the problem and the problem is my family, but if I do he'll say, 'fuck it' and do something stupid that gets him killed, because that's just James.

Evan, Barty, Pandora, and I are at the Slytherin tables in the great hall, eating breakfast when James comes strutting in. (My father didn't strut!) Not only does he have a skirt on, but he also has makeup on. The same with Sirius as well. Remus and Peter are behind them, just shaking their heads, smiling.

This is not unusual because normally Sirius only does this, but today, James has done it too. And may I add, he looked fucking fine as hell.

I go back to eating my eggs, although I'm not all that hungry. I just wanted to see James again. I look up, this time seeing James right in front of me, on the opposite side of the table.

"Holy Shit, James!" I almost yell, jumping a little.

"Holy Shit is right, Reggie." He responds.

I stare up at him. He has red, very glittery eyeshadow on with some highlighter on the inner corners of his eyes. He also has red lipstick on as well as mascara. Holy shit was right.

"You scared me!" I exclaim, pretending to be mad.

"In a bad way?" He asks, concerned.

"No!" I pause, smiling a bit, "I mean no, not in a bad way. I mean, the red is a bit much, but you eh, you pull it off, nicely....?" I say, ignoring my plan to be mean and ignore them.

He smirks while he sits opposite of me. Lord, what have I done?! He can't look this good, it should be illegal for everyone but me to see. Wait...That's selfish.

"So Reg, why have you been ignoring me and the gang?" James asks, batting his eyes, while he leans on his head on his propped up arm.

"The gang and I, James," I corrected him, "And I shouldn't be seen with you." I reply, going back to my eggs. (Regulus, wtf is your grammar lol)

"Are you embarrassed to be seen with us?" He asks, his eyes looking a bit sadder.

"No- Honestly, you're as dumb as my brother!" I say.


"Do you forget that I'm still fucking stuck in that mad woman's house? Or do you just see me as a mini Sirius, with my life to-fuckin-gether!?" I get up, grab my bag, and leave.

"Regulus- WAIT!" He yells behind me.

No. No, I will not wait for you. Why would I? When you think of me as something below me, I think as I walk out of the Great Hall. (He's so dramatic I love dramatic Reggie so muchhh!)

I hope he doesn't come after me. I don't want to talk to him. I thought he understood. I thought he cared! He said he did! He said that it was all okay. It's not okay. I have to go to the monster's house this coming week.

How will I hide them from mother?

How do I keep them all safe?

Before I could even think of these questions, I found myself opening a door. The door that belongs to the Astronomy Tower. (Ik that's cliche but idk where else he would go T-T) I open the door and climb the stairs.

I lay on the ground, not wanting to move. The ground is comfy. Very, very comfy. So much so that I decided to close my eyes for a quick minute. Those minutes turned into hours. I woke up to a dark sky, and a sound of wood creaking. (Ik it's stone but just bear with me here) What the fuck, was all I thought.

I sat up, looking around. It was dark, not to the point that you can't see, but needed to adjust to it. It took me a good long minute to see the different shapes and shadows. I looked around once more, seeing a figure in the corner. I got up, grabbing my wand.

If this wasn't a dream then something is wrong with me. I walked closer to the thing, my wand still pointed. It moved towards me, hands up.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask, though, I think I know who it was.

"You know who I am." It said back.

Yeah, I did.

"James why are you here, let alone watching me sleep? That's weird and definitely not normal." I say.

"I'm here because I want to talk," He says, "And I know it's creepy, but as I said, I need to talk with you. So would you like to sit?" He asks, as if he is the most innocent thing in the world.

I just look at him; blinking. I try to figure out if he is kidding. He wasn't, so we sat across from each other on the floor.

"I can't believe I listen to you." I mutter more to myself.

"Honestly, same. I don't know why." He says, smiling.

"You got a good solid four minutes before I beat your ass up for watching me. Go." I say, glaring.

"Okay. So why did you leave me in the hall?" He asked.

I debated whether to answer. I said he could speak, not ask questions. Then again, I did leave mid-conversation with him.

"You think of me as less than." I state, slowly.

"I'm sorry, but where the fuck did you get that from?" He asked, eyes bright and wide. (Bright eyes>> lol)

"Your words and actions."

"Mmm. Well, I hope you know I don't see you as a 'mini Sirius' was it?"

"Don't put my words in my mouth, Potter."

"Sorry, sorry. It's just, I want to ask you something."


"You mentioned how you were stuck at your parents house. So I thought, maybe, if you would want us to get you out of there...?"

I raised an eyebrow. It's not easy. Everyone is always expecting me to just leave. They will find me, and murder whomever they get their hands on. Sirius was an exception because there was me.

There is no me after me.

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Hello my gorgeous loves! How is everyone doing?

I hope you all are doing good:) I want you guys to name one happy thing that has happened to you in the last two weeks:) I'll go: I got the new vinyl from Taylor!

Anyway- dramatic regulus? Personally, I love it.

Bye my loves!

Word count: 1335

Dream count:

Reggie: 1

James: 1

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