Chapter 27: Mini Mission

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Tw: a kiss? Not rlly any :)

Regulus (first person) POV:

Finding a present for James was harder than I anticipated. Would he like this? What about that? I think I've driven Pandora out of her mind with questions of, 'would he like this?' or 'how about this?' Tomorrow's his birthday, and I still don't have a present for him.

It isn't that I forgot, it's just that none of them scream James. The differences between James and I are very wide and vast but another difference is he specializes in gift giving. It's almost like his love language for other people. I wish I did but I don't.

Now I sit in my bed, staring at the wall, as if it were going to give me answers. I wanted to give me answers, but it's just a wall. And as if the gods were listening, an idea popped into my head. I could get a Polaroid camera and get him a folder to display the photos in; like a memory journal! It's stupid but when we're old, I think I would like to go through them with him like old people do. (Reggie is anticipating them growing old together. T-T)

I know Remus has a Polaroid. I need to ask him where he got it. Preferably now. I get up -jumping, really- out of bed and grab a sweater. I throw it over my head and slip on my shoes. I practically run out the door. I get weird looks, but honestly, if you saw a Slytherin running like their life depended on it, who wouldn't give a weird glance.

I trudge out the common room, running through the dungeons and up to the main area. I guess since it's a Saturday, they might be in their dorm. I attempt and succeed at the moving staircases, I finally getting to the painting. Oh. The password. James had just said it the other day, too! Why couldn't I remember it?

"Hello dear- oh! My, you are a Slytherin! What are you doing up here?" The Fat Lady says, shocked.

"Uhm, well, you see, I'm Sirius Black's little brother, Regulus Black. I needed to see him but I forgot the password. Professor McGonagall gave me permission to come into the Gryffindor common room before, so may I please come in?" I rush out.

"Ah! Well, very well then. Next time I expect you to know the password, young man!" She huffs.

"Thank you, Ma'am." I say in return. (Walburga didn't raise no bitch- sorry lol)

I walk in through the doors, immediately getting hit with the cinnamon aroma. I inhale deeply, exhaling fully and walking into the main room. I look around, but don't see anyone I really know stirring. Maybe in their dorm?

I divert my focus to going up the stairs to their dorm. Once I get there, I rapidly knock on their door, not caring if I wake them. (Walburga did raise a bitch lol) I hear a groan or two and some scuffles. The door finally creaks open to show a disheveled Sirius.

"What's wrong? Did anything happen?" He says, after quickly seeing me.

"Nothing, really. I just need Moony real quick."

"Why would you need MY boyfriend? You have your own." He says, groggily.

"I know I do. I just need to ask him a question." I laugh.

"Oh well, he is in the Library right now. What's your question?"

"Oh um, is James in there?"

"Uh yea, why?"

"Well he can't hear. Why else?" I ask, getting a bit agitated.

"Okay. Well you want to say hi at least? James would want to see you." Sirius asks, opening the door.

"Sure. Quickly though."

I walk into their dorm. The familiar smell of cinnamon, eucalyptus, and broom polish. I inhale, wishing that my dorm smelt of Sirius and James. (That sounds weird and cute at the same time-) I walk over to James' bed, where the curtains are pulled close. I undo the curtains, opening them, watching the sunlight leak through the secluded bed.

James tossed slightly as I did so. I smile, sitting on the side of the bed. I push a curl out of his face then cup his face with one hand. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps. His eyes flutter as he slowly opens them. His eyes find me, focusing on my face. A small smile falls on his face.

He yawns, his arms coming above his head as he stretches his body and legs. He eventually moves up to a sitting position, still blinking awake. I pull myself before where his legs are drawn. He smiles, sleep still setting in his eyes.

"Hi, my love." He says, the sleep making his voice deeper and scratchy.

My heart did a flip as it always does and I smiled towards him. His eyelashes seal his eyes as he blinks. How could one be so perfect?

"Hello, darling. You woke up quite late." I softly tell.

"What?" He mutters, yawning.

"Honey it's 10:00. You usually wake with the sun." I laugh.

"Really? I was going to go to the library with Remus! He said he would find me a copy of a book he thought I would like. Don't tell him I probably won't read it, unfortunately."

"Ah. Well I wanted to say hi. I too need Remus but you cannot come with me this time. Maybe next time, love." I state, not wanting him to ruin his present.

"Why is that?" He whines.

"Why is what? That you cannot come? Well, I need to ask Remus something that you cannot know. Don't worry, though." I smile.

"Are you turning against me, baby Black?" He asks, smiling.

"Me? Turning on you? Ha! That would be funny, however, not this time. Keep dreaming, Jamie." I brush off, a small smile hidden.

"I can't because you woke me." James plays.

"Alright, I have to go now. I love you, Jamie. See you at lunch?" I say, getting up.

He nods and I start to stand. He suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He smiles, about to talk. His hands creep down to my cheeks as I feel a light blush coming up. I shake my head but he holds it in place. I try to pull away but he keeps me still.

"You forgot something." He states.

"Oh? Did I now?" I play.

"Yes. Yes you did. Now come here~" he slurs, drawing me up for a small peck before I try to brush him away to continue my mini quest.

"I need to go now! Let gooo!" I complain, smiling.

"Okay, okay. Fine then. Leave me here with your crazy brother. I see how it is." He guilt trips.

"Oi! I hear that, you wanker!" Sirius yells from the bathroom.

"Okay, bye baby!" James says, kissing my hand and letting go.

"Bye! See you at lunch!" I say, smiling.

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(Idk what's up with the symbol...)

Hey loves!

Short chapter.. oops

Anyway how are we doing? I hope good!

Remember to take care of yourself and care for yourself every once in a while at least!

Love you all! Bye for now!

Word Count: 1214

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