Chapter 21: Love You To The Stars

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Tw: kissing, anxiety mentioned. I think that's it:)

James (first person) pov:

Christmas Eve went by like a snap for myself, but for the whole family. It's funny, every year it feels as if Christmas comes too fast. Almost as if it was getting less important each year; less special. I try to ignore this, but as I lay on my back with Regulus curled up in a ball beside me, I wonder if this is what it's like growing up. If it's really not what it was made up to be.

I stare at my ceiling pondering these thoughts. A light knock comes from the door. I look up to the door frame and mum is standing there. She wears her red jumper with small white snowflakes. This is the one she made when I was small and has worn ever since on Christmas Eve.

I smile at her and she comes in. She drags a chair (idk don't ask where it came from.) from the corner of the room and brings it next to my side of the bed. She smiles slightly before she talks.

"Happy Christmas Eve, Jamie." She whispers, acknowledging the sleeping Regulus.

"Happy Christmas Eve, Mum." I respond as she takes my hand.

"Darling, I'm so proud of you. I know that you can be... reckless at times, but you're a good kid. You are my pride and joy, James. One day, you will be this independent man and I can't wait to watch you become of it." She says softly, kissing my forehead.

"Mum!" I say, small tears creeping up my eyes.

She smiles while tears trickle down her cheeks. I wrap my arms around her waist and lay my head on her side. I let the silent tears fall from my face. I know my mum is proud of me, but her saying really brought me happiness. I have pleased her and made her happy, and that is all that matters.

Regulus stirs from his balled up position and blinks. I don't move from my mum's side. It's like a safe haven. It's like being in the arms of Regulus. I stay here as we both hug each other, happily content.

Regulus (first person) pov:

Waking up to sounds of slight crying is never the best way to wake up. I hear muted sniffing so I open my eyes to see Jame and mum hugging while crying.i draw the conclusion that either someone has died or they just got tickets to Taylor Swift (ik diff timeline, just deal with it :)).

Mum must have seen me wake up because she stops hugging James and diverts her attention towards me. She smiles, putting on her very big loving smile. It has to be my favorite thing she does.

"Happy Christmas Eve to you, too!" Mum says

She looks down to James who is now sitting up against the bed frame. I lay my head on his shoulder, immediately feeling his warmth like a blanket. She smiles at us before she gets up and grabs the chair; putting it back in the corner. She walks out before she grabs the side of the door, looking back at us.

"Good night boys, happy Christmas Eve." She says, lovingly.

We both bid her good night before James shifts down to his pillow. I lift my head to his chest, cuddling into his side. His hangs comb through my hair as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Good night, Reggie. Happy Christmas Eve." James says, groggily.

"Happy Christmas Eve and good night, my sunshine." I respond.

I dig my head deeper into his chest as sleep slowly takes me away. I close my eyes as I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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What sounded like muted underwater sounds woke me up. (Heh-) James is violently shaking me and my first thought is that my mother is here. I bolt up, my eyes looking around the room only to find it empty. I can't comprehend what James is saying; the morning grogginess getting to me.

Love You To The Stars| JEGULUSWhere stories live. Discover now