Chapter 16: Present Hunting

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Tw: make-out, kissing, pet name: love, honey. I think that's it:)

James (first person) POV:

Did I forget that Christmas was only two days away? Maybe. Did I also forget to get my family and friends gifts? Also, maybe. That is why today I'm out to Diagon Alley to get gifts. I have pretty good ideas for all of them, apart from Reggie. I don't know what he really wants. Although, I have a good feeling about what to get him.

Speaking of which, Regulus has been ignoring me, I think. Maybe I scared him off? Did I do anything wrong? Should I have not kissed him? He was so confusing! Sirius talks to me now. Maybe he hasn't fully accepted it or forgiven me, but it was still better than nothing. Actually, Sirius is coming with me to Diagon Alley! Oh shit, we have to leave soon!

"SIRIUS! GET UR ARSE DOWN HERE! WE ARE LEAVI- Ow! Sorry mum! I mean, Sirius, please come down, we are leaving now!" I say, correcting myself. Mum decided to hit me with the Daily Prophet mid-sentence.

"James, language! You are not at Hogwarts anymore, young man!" She says, catching the paper I had tossed back to her.

"Yes mum."


"MUM! He just said a bad word!" I complain.

"James, do you really want to put your poor old mother through yelling, again?" She questions.

"No.." I scoff.

I walk over to the sitting room, grabbing my bag, before walking in front of the Floo. I wait for Sirius, and might I add, very patiently. I play with my ring I carry around. It fits every finger perfectly; most likely from a spell. I look up, expecting Sirius but seeing a younger Sirius instead. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey? Hey!? Regulus, what the fuck?" I ask, quietly so I don't get hit with the paper, again. (Hermione and Ron ref ;) )

"Oh hush, pretty boy! I have a perfect excuse for ignoring you." He states, blandly.

"Pardon? I think the fuck not, Reg! You don't get to make-out with someone then just ignore them! Reg, that's not fair!" I state, hoping Sirius would hurry up.

"Sirius won't be here soon, Remus walked into his room when I came down."

"Now you can read minds?"

"No, I can just read faces well." Regulus says, blankly.

"Yea, okay. Well, as nicely as possible, why are you talking to me now? Did I do something wrong? Did I overstep?" I ask, needing answers; needing anything.

"No! Oh James, you did no such thing- it's just..." Regulus stops, thinking what to say. "Don't get mad at Sirius, he was only mad..."

"What happened?"

"He said that if I tried to talk to you he would unalive you and himself! James, he looked at me deadass in the eyes! He then said to wait for him to process; to wait for him then I could talk to him! Him and I might have gotten into a fight..."


"It's fine, all is forgiven James, but did you get any of my letters I put under your door?" He asks.

"What letters...?" I ask, not receiving any letters.

"That little bitch- sorry James, I wrote you letters but it looks like someone got to them before you did." Regulus says, now annoyed.

"Oh, so you aren't mad at me?"

No- god why would I ever be mad at you?" Regulus asks, his eyebrows furrow.

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