Chapter 19: Bubbles!

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Tw: panic attack

Regulus (first person) pov:

After dinner, James and I collected the dishes and started washing them. I didn't eat most of my meal, so I was done pretty quickly. We were washing them even though I opted for magic. However, James insisted that we didn't.

"Jamessss, why can't we use magic?" I nag.

"Because we aren't old enough to?" He states.

"Why can't mum or dad do it?" I say, absentmindedly.

He smiles, shaking his head. His hair is such a mess, but it looks all the better. He could pull off bed head any day. I lightly shoved him; bubbles from the sponge got him in the cheek. I laugh as he does too.

"Hey!" He exclaims.

"That's for making me do the dishes with you!" I joke.

"Rude! We both know I'm doing all of it!" He says, still laughing.

"No you aren't!"

As I say this, I chuck the sponge at him, hitting him square in the chest. I bend down, laughing hard. I can't stop. His face was priceless. I sit on the ground, laughing so hard that tears are coming out of my eyes. James is the same, silently laughing. We were crouched on the ground, holding each other up and we laughed. I breathe in and out, trying to stop laughing, but I look up to see James' shirt and fall to my back, consumed by laughter.

James comes over me, his hair falling in front of his face. I gulp down my laughter as he looks at me. His eyes being the same hazel, still feel like I don't know them. They are so beautiful and different each time. His glasses frame his face so well, I wonder if his eyes would look smaller or bigger without them.

"You got my shirt wet."

"Yea, I can tell." I say, choking down a laugh.

"Close your eyes." He says, smirking.

"Why?" I ask, skeptically.

"Just because."

"Okay, but if you do something stupid I'll beat your arse!"

"Yea yea whatever."

I close my eyes, expecting so many things. I don't know what he will do, but I feel his hands on my cheeks. I try not to blush, but I feel my face heating up. His face comes closer to mine until I feel his lips on mine. He kisses me slowly until he pulls away, making me furrow my eyebrows. He pulls me back in, but this time his lips are cold. I try to pull away, but his hand on the back of my head prevents me from doing so. I wiggle around, until I remember that I can open my eyes. As I do, I see James laughing and a sponge. A sponge! No wonder it felt odd!

I pulled away, enough to where he let me go. He started laughing as I flush from embarrassment. His laugh is addictive. It's like a sweet. You can't just have one, you take one more than the last.


"Boys! Language!" Effie calls from the other room over.

"Sorry, mum!" James and I call in unison.

"James, what the fuck?" I whisper.

"You deserved it!" He says, his arms come up in surrender.

"I have soap in my mouth!" I say, realizing I do, in fact, have soap in my mouth.

"Want me to get it out for you?" He asks, batting his eyelashes.

I blush, knowing that we couldn't make out in the kitchen. I look around, because I'm concerned if anyone has heard. No one is around. I look back at him.

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