Chapter 18: Respect

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Tw: kissing, I think that's it :)

Regulus (1st person) POV:

Watching James sleep is most likely one of the greatest things. His taking small breaths, his rolling over, but also him talking in his sleep. The things this boy says! Now, however, he is clinging to me like a koala. I'm not complaining, but poor Mrs. Potter has been calling us down for dinner and I can't do anything!

I try to push James off of me, but I physically can't. I look to the door; hearing footsteps from the stairs. The door opens, revealing Mrs. Potter. I just look at her as she smiles and laughs.

"Darling, are you stuck?" She says between small laughs.

"Yes, I don't want to wake him. He is very tired, Mrs. Potter." I say, awkwardly.

"Ah. I'll wake him up, dear!" She says, as she walks over to her sons. She takes James' shoulders and shakes him lightly before saying, "James! Wake up, you're crushing your boyfriend!"

I blink, then blink again. Boyfriend? Were we boyfriends? Did he tell his mom? I look back at her but she's smiling at a waking James.

"Mm-what?" He groggily says.

"I said, '...Wake up, you're crushing your boyfriend!'" She repeats.

She looks at us both and then laughs once more. She shakes her head and walks to the door. In the process she picks up a piece or two of clothes and throws them at James' head. Then she looks at us both, then smiles.

"If you two think that your dad and I can't tell that you fancy each other, then you'd be wrong. Your dad and I will talk to you boys later, as we did Sirius and Remus, so look forward to that." With that, she smiles, winks, then cracks the door.

I look at James first. I'm more confused than concerned. He looks back and blinks. I raise an eyebrow, if asking the question of, 'What talk?'. He shakes his head and smiles.

"Regulus, why are you looking at me as if I need to provide you answers?" He says.

"Oh, maybe because you do?" I say, nudging his shoulder.

He takes the clothes from his land and throws them into the hamper. He then looks back at me and nudges me back.

"And, what would that be?"

"What's 'The talk'?" I ask.

He looks away and starts laughing hysterically. He grabs the sheets like it is his only help line. While I just sit here, in more confusion, he tries to explain.

"Reggie, it's like, well, what we can and can't do. What's appropriate for a relationship..." He says.

"Oh. Mother would never do that." I respond.

"But she's not your mother anymore." He says firmly.

"Yes she is. Just because I ran away doesn't mean she's still not my mother."

"I meant guardian wise."

"Mhm. Well the little 'talk' should be fun. Luckily Mrs. Potter is nice." I say, considering it.

"Why do you always call her Mrs. Potter?"

"Because it's respectful, but I don't expect you to know or understand this foreign concept." I say, smirking a little.

"Hey! I do know respectfulness!"

"It's 'respect'." (Reggie-love..)

"Whatever." He says, huffing.

"Let's see it then. Go for it." I say.

"Okay then. Mr. Black, would you do thy honors and be my boyfriend?" James asks, putting on a thick british accent; which is quite hot.

I must have blushed or something because a smirk crawls up his face. I hide my face behind my hands, trying to stop egging him on. He takes my wrists and gently lowers my hands from my face. I look to the side, not willing myself to look completely at him. He takes one hand from my own and lifts my chin to meet his gaze.

"Did you hear me?" He asks, softly.

I nod my head before looking down at our criss-crossed legs. I look back up at him and he looks concerned. I smile, taking his hand from my chin to my hands. I get his attention when I squeeze his hands. I look at him in his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Yes. Yes I shall be your boyfriend." I say.

Before I can see his reaction, he hugs me so tight I fall back onto the bed. I wonder if this was my person. If James Fleamont Potter was the one I would spend my whole (short heh-) life with. I figured that I would want that, so, so much!

I start laughing when I feel his smile on my chest. I squeeze back even more as he does it to me. He smiles even bigger as he lets go, and holds my waist but still looks at me.

"Sorry I just got excited!" He exclaims, bouncing up and down out of excitement.

I giggle before I go to hold his face, to give him a quick kiss on the nose. We both hear Mrs. Potter yells that it's dinner, again. So we get up and walk downstairs. We hold hands the way down there. As we enter the dining area it finally occurs to me about how we will tell them. I start to get really anxious about this, and I start picking at my fingernails.

James must realize I stopped holding his hand because he turns to be in front of me. He takes both of my hands and brings them up to his lips; kissing each hand. I laugh, and he just smiles.

"Why are you picking at your nails, my love?" He asks.

"How will we tell your parents that, well, you know..." I ask.

"We can either tell them in private or with everyone. Which do you feel more comfortable with?"

"Uhhh- Maybe we can tell everyone privately, but first your parents?" I ask, hoping that's what he wants to do.

"Sounds perfect to me!" He says, as his smile comes back.

"Okay then, mon soleil." I say, stretching up to kiss him quickly.

"What does that mean?" He asks, playing with my necklace.

"It means, 'my sun'."

"Hm. Alright, mon étoile." He says.

I look at him once more. He spoke French! He called me his star! All these thoughts flooded through my head that I didn't even notice we had already entered the dining room.

Everyone smiled at us when we sat down. We all served up as Sirius talked with Mr. and Mrs. Potter about school and classes, just as if they were his parents. He even calls them 'mum' and 'dad'. It makes me swell because he has finally found his place.

And, maybe, I have too.

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Hey my loves!

How are we doing?

Anyway, here's an update:) I hope it was okay? Again, just some build up and they are boyfriends now! Yay!

Bye my loves!

Word count: 1143

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