Chapter 4: Broken Bones or Hearts?

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Tw: Little make-out scene. Not too bad. Ig so pet names (honey, love). I think that's it:)

Regulus (3rd person):

  It has been a few weeks since he has thought about the little 'encounter' as he called it, with James. Regulus tried to pay no mind to it, but the thoughts crept up to him; like an itch on your nose. He was quite honestly getting annoyed. He wanted to like James, but if he went around kissing a boy from his year, what was the point?

  Regulus knew that James wasn't his, nor would he ever be, but it just felt wrong trying to stop something that James had. Whether that be kissing a boy once, that's hell, even Regulus didn't know the name of. He also didn't want it to distract him. He was already overwhelmed, but now, he just wanted it to be the last thing he cared for.

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  Regulus was walking to the hospital wing, to see Barty; who decided it was a good idea to climb a tree, to then fall off from. This got him two broken bones, a laugh or two from some students, and a pissed Evan. Evan had been stomping, quite literally, around the castle for the last couple days. It was so obvious to Regulus that Evan liked Barty. It wasn't that it was hard to tell. They often fought like a married couple, but then would be all snuggly and touchy. Two characteristics Regulus hated. (Just you wait-)

  Evan was currently at the Hospital Wing, as for the past two hours, so all he had to do was meet his friends there, just after classes. To which, he was doing now. It was, until he ran into (figuratively) Sirius and Remus. (WOLFSTARRRRR EEEEEEE) The two of them were holding hands, eyes sparkling at each other. Regulus had a little pang of what was thought to be longing and jealousy for them, but brushed it away.

  Regulus just looked down. Not that he didn't just love to see his brother and being called, and he quotes, 'A dirty little pure fucker'. He had no idea where it came from, and didn't really care, because Sirius was just as pure blooded as Regulus. Just because he was with mother, stuck, doesn't mean they were all too different, in blood stats.

  Remus and Sirius stopped short. Remus waved a small wave before Sirius muttered his little love line towards him. Regulus just rolled his eyes, said a quick, 'Hey Remus.' and walked on.

  He really didn't love interacting with his brother. They hadn't had a 'normal' conversation since he left, but then again, Sirius had no idea what was going on. In all honesty, Regulus didn't even know. That's what he was afraid of.

  The walk wasn't too long, but it felt pretty long. Regulus just looked through his curls. He could hear his mother yelling at him to cut it, before turning around to slap him, and shake her head. Luckily, she hasn't cared as much. He hasn't heard from her as much, which he was happy about, but also a little nervous, too. What happened if she was planning some shitty show-down?

  Regulus had finally reached the Hospital Wing. He opened the doors, going down the aisle to see his friend. There, Barty and Evan were in a full-out make out session. Ew. He thought. Evan was fully ontop of Barty now, totally forgetting about his broken leg.

  "Ow- Evan, can you- mphh! Evan my leg!" Barty stuttered out.

   Yep, this is where Regulus should leave. Not his area to deal with. He was about to leave when Madam Pomfrey came walking to him.

  "Are they done? I've been waiting to give Crouch his medicine for the past ten minutes!" She asked Regulus.

  "No, I can tell them to stop, if you want." He offered.

  "That would be nice."

  Regulus walked back to the front of the stall (stall? Idk T-T). They were still on each other, what looked like holding each other for dear life. Regulus had another tang of  jealousy, like the one before, but this time he didn't brush it away. He really couldn't, it just stayed there.

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