Chapter 10: Shooting Stars

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Let me explain the video. I was listening to it because it was on my playlist and I was like oml this is James and Regulus! I think it's so cute and then when the others come in, it would be the whole group!

Tw: none I think:)

Reggie (3rd person):

Regulus had been up for a while now. He was laying on a soft bed, which he was assuming was James'. James was sleeping on the ground, just right below the bed. Why he wasn't sleeping in his own bed with Regulus on the ground, he didn't know.

He was staring at James for some time now. How his nose had small freckles scattered on it like stars in the sky. Or how his eyelashes were fluttering because he was dreaming (PLZ SOMEONE GET THIS <333). How his chest would rise with each breath. Or maybe how his hair still looked so good, even when it was every which way.

Regulus shifted in the bed, slowly turning over to see Remus there, staring at him. Regulus jumped a small bit out of surprise, and pulled the blankets over his chest.

"What the fuck, Remus?" He whispered, sending dagger eyes at the boy.

"Mmm. You're interesting." He commented.

"Sure, but you're fucking scary." Regulus responded.

"You know what will be scary?"


"What Sirius will do if he finds out about you two. Luckily, he was so drunk last night because otherwise, he would have killed both of your asses if he saw you two." He whispered.

"We didn't do any- oh." Regulus realized. "Well, you won't have to worry about that."


"Well my mother would never let me date him. She would kill him. So I'm planning to ignore you lot."

"Good luck with that. You're talking about James Potter. You really think he gives up? More or less, Sirius?" He whispered back.

They heard a stirring from the side of the room, and some groaning. James shuffled up, leaning his arms in the ground, slowly blinking.

Yawning, he said, "Good morning Remus, oh, and Regulus...wait. Why are you here?" James asked, as he got up to sit on the end of his bed. Jam3s then remembered last night and why he was on the floor. Regulus sat up, bare chested, grabbing a throw blanket from the bed to wrap in. James was staring at Regulus.

Remus was looking between the two. Regulus was obviously ignoring James, while James was staring at Regulus; full of confusion. It was a sight to see. Remus was getting a kick out of it. Regulus was getting self-conscious. James was staring holes into Regulus' body.

Regulus looked at Remus, who just sat there, smirking, watching this little show. He glared at him a bit more, before he looked around the room. He saw Peter sleeping and Sirius' curtains closed.

"Are you alright, Regulus?" James asked, breaking the silence.

Without looking at James, Regulus said, "mhm."

James looked at him weirdly, then, looking back at Remus. Remus just shrugged and got up to get dressed in the bathroom.

James scooted forward to the down-looking Regulus. Regulus saw this out of the top of his eyes, but ignored it. He could always move. James came close to him, but not personal-space breaking. He tapped Regulus' shoulder.

Regulus jumped, now looking up. He tried not to look James in the eyes, but couldn't hold himself not to. He gave in, looking at James. James now looked at him in confusion.

"What did I do?" He whispered.

"What didn't you do?" Regulus asked.

His eyes widened, he hadn't meant to say that. He didn't even know what that really meant in the long run, but he was curious. James' expression got even more confused.

"What do you mean, Reg?"

"I-I don't know."

"Hm. You don't know now?" James asked, eyebrows raised.

"What do you think you're doing?" Regulus asked, coldly.

"Your mom. Wait-" James started, before getting cut off by Regulus.

Regulus, being Regulus, made a mad face. This quickly wavered, turning him into a giggle ball. He started and couldn't stop. It wasn't that it was all that funny, it was that James looked so concerned and disturbed!

"I-oh my god," Regulus gasped for air, "That was so bad! You should h-have seen your face!" Regulus got out, trying to get out of his giggle fest.

James POV (first person):

His giggle.

His laugh.

How does he expect me to be mentally and physically okay after hearing it? His laugh was like when you see a shooting star. You are lucky to see one, you want to see more, and you wish to see it forever. His whole being is like a shooting star, I think. Some people don't see him, but the lucky ones do, and the chosen get to keep him.

And oh, how I want to be the chosen one. (Heh-)

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Hai my loves! So how did you like it?

How are you all doing? Hopefully surviving and happily at that:)

Words count:  872

Dream count:

Reg: 1

James: 1

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