Chapter 29: Jack Sparrow

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Tw: underage drinking, drunk ppls, I think that's it :)

Regulus (first person) POV:

I'm planning out the night as we walk back to the dorms. James is beside me, yapping about something, but to be honest, I'm not paying enough of my attention to his words.  We were near the castle and I let go of his hand.

"Why'd you do that?" He asks.

"Unless you want to be outed, then I suggest we meet at the dorms so it looks like I'm hanging out with dear Sirius." I say quickly, barely paying him any mind.

"Oh, yea. I'll go first, yeah? I'll see you there, love." He responds, softly.

"That you will." I smile, watching him walk away.

It isn't the party that scares me, it's the people. What happens if I get wasted and out myself and James? What if we both get drunk and everyone finds out? James can't have that. I can't either, really. Someone will snitch. Not like they haven't already.

I slowly walk to the dorms even though there is five minutes till the party. It isn't like they need me there. They will all be drunk. However, I would like to be at James' party.


Inside, banners of reds are streaming from one wall to another, colors exploding around the room. The room is already loud, the music thumping as everyone is getting themselves situated. I take it all in as Sirius spots me, a bottle already in his hand. Surprise.

"Hiya, Reggie!" He slurs.

"Hello, there. Where is James?" I eagerly pan.

"I thought you said you couldn't have anyone see you guys."

"Well I can't just show up to his birthday without going to him and wishing him a happy birthday." I bargain.

"Very well. He just got here, but everyone has been here since like, four or five." Sirius adds, leading the way to James.

James is standing by Moony, Lily, Mary, and Peter. They all talk quite calmly as they nod from time to time. Sirius joins the conversation, leaving me out. Again. I would have joined the conversation, but Lily was there. It isn't that I don't like her, but I think I may be scared of what she is as in looks and not who she is. If James has fallen in love with her before, what's stopping him from doing it again? (You. Literally you, dumbass.)

James looks at me and gives a small smile and the lightest brush of hands to acknowledge my presence.

"And then I was like, 'wait, you forgot your sweater!' But then-" Sirius starts before 'his' song comes on, and James, Sirius, and Remus' faces light up.

They push out of the small group and into the middle of the room. 

I decided to stay along the corner. I'm content with watching. It's not new, so it isn't bad. I feel a bit left out, for the first time. I think that it is maybe because Barty and Evan aren't here, but I also think it's because of James' perfect group. Was it jealousy, perhaps? Envy to a small degree? I shake my head, looking back up at them. I want them to yell at me to come over, but they won't. I still hope.

Somehow, they all found themselves in a circle, bottles in hands. A smile peaks from my face as I myself walk over to the table where the drinks are. I grab a drink and swirl it in the cup as I walk back to my designated spot. I lean on the wall and take a small sip.

It tastes fruity.

My nose scrunches and I take another sip. It's not as terrible as I thought it out to be, but it was by no means great. Good even. I watch James dance a bit more before I find myself looking at Lily. She was probably pretty, and probably able to sweep James up.

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