Chapter 25: I Love You To the Sun and Back

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Tw: making out, mention of Walburga, I think that is it:)

Regulus (first person) pov:

The morning was full of chaos that I wasn't used to. I was expecting to hurry around, yes. With four teenagers and two adults, how could it not? I was already packed, along with Remus but Sirius and James weren't. I remember asking James if he was packed and he said he would while I showered. I shake my head at the thought.

Fleamont announced that we were to be at the table in five minutes, so I went down early. I was met with a hug from Mum and a wide Potter smile from Dad. I return all these, finding my way to Remus. He mentioned he wanted to talk to me. I really enjoy Remus. I'm glad Sirius has him. He's a good guy. A good friend, too.

I walk over to him and he smiles, drinking his tea. He slides over a mug with a tea bag already sitting in it. I smile and take it and take a sip. Mint. How does he know it's my favorite kind? I haven't had it in a while, because no one asked me what I wanted. Not like I cared, though. I'm not all that picky. (Shocker...actually tho.)

"Good morning, Reg." He says, sipping his tea.

"Good morning. Thanks for the tea. Although, how did you know I liked mint?" I ask, casually.

"Sirius says I'm observant. I guess it's so." He says, shrugging.

"That you are. You said you needed to talk to me?" I brought up.

"Ah. That may need to wait for the train, if you don't mind. It may take more than five minutes and I don't want SIRIUS and JAMES to eavesdrop." He says, looking over my shoulder to the wall.

At that point, Sirius comes from behind the wall, trunks in hand and James trailing behind him. I didn't even hear them, nor the silence. I should have known. I note to myself to be more aware and to not put walls down just because I'm comfortable.

Both boys grin, shamelessly, plopping down on the chairs. Mum smiles at them all, while putting plates of food on the table. We all thank her as we grab food to put it on our plates. I didn't realize Mum was behind me until she tapped my shoulder. I whipped around and saw it was her.

"Good morning, Mum!" I say, putting my toast down.

"Good morning, Regulus! Would you mind if I pulled you away to talk to you? It won't take long!" She asks.

I nod, and look at James. He smiles at me before going back to eating. I get up and follow Mum to the kitchen where Dad is waiting.

"My boy! We must talk to you real quick!" He announces, quietly.

"Mum has told me. Have I done something wrong?" I ask, worriedly.

"Oh goodness no! Regulus, we need to talk to you about your Mother. We need to make sure you're safe at Hogwarts. From their...side. We have contacted Dumbledore as well as Minerva and Slughorn. They have both agreed to do as much as they can. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. The Ministry is still trying to figure out how and what to do, although it shouldn't take this much time." She states.

I blink, comprehending everything. I'm glad she told my professors. I'm not sure they can do anything, but it is nice having them know. I smile at them and nod.

"Thank you. You guys didn't need to do any of this! You both welcomed my brother and I and I am forever thankful!" I say, hugging Mum.

While we hug, Dad also joins. The Potters give the best hugs. They are welcoming and warm unlike my other parents. If someone asked me who my parents were I would tell them, Effie and Fleamont Potter. No hesitation.

We let go and they smile at me while they walk me back to the table. Everyone looks up in curiosity but I brush them away. We eat for the next five minutes before we need to head to the station.

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