Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-three

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A/N: I've been sitting on these next few chapters for a while and I'm hoping that the flow of the story isn't too disjointed as it skips around POVs of a few people. Chapter updates will also be slow from this point until the end. Enjoy.

Kingsley crept along the fence line of the manor and the thought that their intel was wrong ran through his head. The rest of the Aurors had spread out while a few curse breakers and goblins stood further back to throw up the wards that they needed. They wanted to contain and arrest as many Death Eaters that they could but Kingsley knew the real aim. Voldemort's familiar.

He paused at a part of the brick wall that had come down years ago in a storm and took in the dark manor as other Aurors settled into place. He hoped that Harry was up to the task before him since he'd already faced Voldemort that night. It was nearing one in the morning when the call went out. The wards flared up first as the main strike team conversed on the front and back of the manor and Kingsley held himself back. His team was part of the second wave.

He watched his fellow Aurors flood forward with care and silence. They were hoping to get to the house itself before being noticed but Kingsley knew that was asking a lot.


The ghost ahead of him paused and Harry drew out his wand as he came to a stop before a wooden door. He placed his ear against the rough surface but couldn't hear anything on the other side. He pulled back and looked at the misty form beside him.

"Where does this come up?" Harry questioned.

"Basement," Riddle answered. "Into a small room set to the side. My great, great grandfather was paranoid that a witch was out to get him."

"Probably from the same family that bewitched you," Harry muttered.

"Hardly," Riddle sniffed.

Harry paused and took in the spirit but he didn't have the time to touch on sordid details of the Riddle family history. Harry nodded and pushed on the door which opened up into a small storage room. From the layer of dust, it hadn't been used in a very long time. Harry carefully shut the door and flicked his wand to cover up the dust that he'd disturbed and to cover his tracks as he headed toward the door on the other side of the room. He placed his ear to the door before using his shoulder to push that one open as well with a squeak of protesting hinges. He cast a light spell before him and it threw the room into spooky shadows as he tugged the door behind him back into place.

Harry glanced around the large basement and found that the door that he'd come through had been hidden away in a dark recess of the room. Plain stone floors and walls greeted him and he was sure that it had been used as a wine cellar and cold room for the Riddle family. In fact, as he walked further into the room, he noticed the broken wooden racks and even a few bottles. Harry slid one out in interest, disturbing the dust, as he held the bottle up to the light.

"Waste of a good wine," Riddle sniffed from next to him.

Harry just placed the bottle back and watched as his spell covered it with dust again. Suddenly a boom sounded above him and dirt rained down from the rafters. Harry quickly ducked his head down so that he didn't get dust in his eyes. The ground shifted around him but he wasn't concerned. He'd be able to survive if the roof caved in on him. He made his way to the stairs at the other end of the basement and took in the rotted wood but it looked like it would still hold his weight. He would have to take care as he started up and each creak put him on edge. There was a door at the top of the stairs and he cancelled the spell to cover his tracks, once he was out the door, it wouldn't matter after that.

He placed his ear to the door but couldn't hear anything on the other side. Then the ground rumbled again and Harry pulled back. He tightened his hold on the wand in his hand before easing the door open with care. The hallway was empty but well used. Harry shut the door behind him and made sure that no one would notice that he'd been there. He looked both ways before Riddle floated off to the right.

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