The Haunting of Fort Rodd

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Marta had always been fascinated by the supernatural. So, when she saw that Fort Rodd, an old military fort in Indonesia, was being turned into a museum, she knew she had to visit.

It wasn't long before Marta could sense something wasn't right. The air felt thick, and she saw faint wisps of smoke, which shouldn't have been there. She quickly shook off the feeling, thinking it was just her imagination, and continued exploring.

Suddenly, she felt a chill run down her spine. She heard footsteps coming from behind her, but when she turned around, nobody was there.

"Hello?" she called out, hoping for a response.

Instead, she heard the screech of a door opening and closing, but again she saw nobody. This eerie occurrence happened a few more times, and Marta felt like something was leading her deeper into the fort.

Eventually, she found herself in a room with a door that seemed to be locked from the inside. Despite all her efforts, Marta couldn't seem to open it.

"How odd," she thought to herself. "It's almost as if someone, or something, doesn't want me to leave."

Marta's curiosity was piqued and she started to investigate. Her attention was drawn to a large mirror, and she saw a figure standing behind her reflection.

"Who are you?" Marta asked, her voice trembling slightly.

There was no response, but the figure looked like it was walking away into the unknown.

Marta knew that she needed to be brave to investigate further. She followed the figure's ghostly trail through the fort until she found herself in the darkest corner.

It was there she saw it - a spirit of a woman haunting the Fort Rodd. The woman had long black hair, and was wearing a traditional dress. She was staring at Marta, whose heart almost stopped at the sight.

As if sensing Marta's fear, the ghost vanished, leaving Marta alone in the darkness. Terrified, she turned around and ran, making her way out of the fort as fast as possible.

However, the experience had left her fascinated, and she knew she had to come back to investigate further.

The next day, Marta came back, and started to speak to the caretaker of the fort, hoping he could shed some light on the ghostly sightings.

The caretaker laughed and scoffed at her story, telling her that it was all just a myth and superstition. Marta felt embarrassed and disappointed, but she knew that what she had seen was real.

Determined to prove the caretaker wrong, Marta went back into the fort, this time with a team of friends. They brought with them equipment to help them investigate the supernatural.

They decided to split up to cover more ground. While they were exploring, Marta came across an old diary.

Curious, she started to read the diary, and found out that there was a woman who lived in the fort decades ago. Her name was Dewi, and she seemed to be the spirit that Marta had seen. The diary detailed Dewi's life, and how she had been locked up and tortured by the military men stationed at the fort.

In the diary, Dewi wrote about how her spirit would haunt the fort, seeking revenge against those who had wronged her. As Marta read these details, she knew without a doubt that the ghost she had seen was Dewi.

Suddenly, she heard a blood-curdling scream coming from another part of the fort. She rushed over to investigate, and found one of her friends with claw marks on her face.

"We need to get out of here," Marta cried out.

But the fort seemed to have other ideas. All the doors and windows were locked, trapping the team inside.

In the end, Marta and her friends were never heard from again. The fort was closed off to the public, and nobody ever discovered what happened to them.

People believe that Marta and her team were taken by Dewi's vengeful spirit, and that they are still trapped inside Fort Rodd, doomed to suffer the same fate as the military men who had wronged Dewi so many years ago.

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