The Curse of the Sundel Bolong

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It was no secret that the family who moved into the old mansion in the forest was cursed. Everyone in the small village knew it, and most avoided the place out of fear. It was said that the previous owner, a wealthy merchant, had married a beautiful young woman who was rumored to be a Sundel Bolong, a female ghost known for her stunning beauty, black hair, and a dress with a large hole in the back revealing a hollow body. The couple soon died in a mysterious fire that burned down the entire mansion. Since then, strange things have happened on the estate, such as eerie noises in the middle of the night and sightings of a lady in a white dress wandering the halls.

The family that moved in removed all references to the previous owner and his wife, hoping to dispel the ghosts of the past. However, after several months of living there, they could no longer ignore the strange occurrences that were happening around them.

One night, the daughter experienced a vivid nightmare. She had dreamt that she had been walking through a garden when she suddenly saw a lady in a white dress, her hair covering her face. The lady turned around, revealing a large hole in her back, and started to approach her. The daughter woke up, feeling as if someone was watching her.

She got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and as she washed her face, she heard whispers. Looking around, the daughter became increasingly frightened when she saw a shadowy figure lurking in the mirror. The figure resembled the Sundel Bolong from her dream. Frozen in fear, the daughter slowly turned around, only to see the same figure standing right behind her.

The Sundel Bolong held out her hand, inviting the daughter to follow her. In a state of confusion, the daughter followed the ghostly figure down the hall. They reached a door at the end of the corridor, which was locked from the inside. The Sundel Bolong simply passed through the wall, disappearing from view.

The daughter did not return to her bed that night. Instead, she found a convenient bench at the end of the hall and spent the rest of the night there. The next morning, during breakfast, she told her mother about the nightmare and the mysterious figure she encountered in the bathroom. Her mother, who had lived in the mansion for years and had grown accustomed to the strange happenings, informed her that the Sundel Bolong was a well-known ghost in the village and that they needed to perform a ceremony to banish the ghost and remove the curse.

They went to see the local shaman, who had the reputation of dealing with the supernatural. The shaman prepared an offering of food and flowers and brought it to the family home. After setting up a small shrine with the offerings, the shaman informed the family that they needed to perform a ritual to trap the Sundel Bolong. The Sundel Bolong would feed on human life essence, and the family needed to offer her a sacrifice to trap her.

The family did not like the sound of this, but far be it from them to disobey the shaman's guidance. They decided to offer a chicken, hoping it would be enough to appease the ghost. The shaman said a prayer, and when he finished, the chicken had disappeared from the plate. The shaman informed the family that the Sundel Bolong was now trapped, but it was essential to keep the offerings fresh and continue the ceremony every month.

Over the following weeks, the family began to relax. The strange occurrences had stopped, and they felt as if the curse had been lifted. However, one night, the daughter had a similar nightmare. The Sundel Bolong appeared to her again, but this time she wasn't alone. The Sundel Bolong was accompanied by several other ghosts who had taken up residence in the mansion.

The family realized that they needed to perform another ceremony, but this time it would need to be stronger. They sought out the shaman again, who said they needed a more significant offering to trap the ghosts.

They decided to offer a goat, hoping it would be enough, and the shaman led the ceremony. However, it turned out that the ghosts were too strong, and the goat was not sufficient to appease them. The ghosts manifested in the living room, and the family had no choice but to flee the mansion and never look back.

Years later, the mansion remained empty, and the curse of the Sundel Bolong still lingered. It was a warning to all who heard the tale. The family who had tried to remove the curse had not succeeded and, in fact, made things worse. The only thing left now was to stay away from the mansion and the spirits that called it home.

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