The Terrifying Encounter at Tengger Mountains

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It was a bright sunny day as four friends, Tari, Dodi, Bima, and Nisa, made their way to the Tengger Mountains. The group was excited about their trip, and they talked and laughed as they walked along the winding path towards the mountains.

As they walked, Tari noticed a strange feeling in her stomach. She felt a sense of foreboding, but she didn't want to ruin the trip for her friends, so she kept her feelings to herself.

As they reached the foot of the mountains, the group decided to take a break and rest before starting their climb. They sat down on a nearby rock, and Nisa suggested they take a group photo.

As Bima was setting up the camera, Tari noticed a dark figure in the corner of her eye. She quickly turned her head, but there was nothing there. She brushed it off, telling herself it was just a trick of the light.

They continued their climb, but the strange feeling in Tari's stomach persisted. As they reached the summit, they were greeted by a breathtaking view of the mountains.

But their joy was short-lived, as the sky suddenly darkened, and a cold wind began to blow. Tari felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked out at the changing weather.

Suddenly, the group heard a series of loud, bone-chilling screams coming from the mountains. Trembling with fear, they huddled together as they tried to make sense of what was happening.

"That sounds like someone in distress!" Nisa exclaimed.

"We need to go and help them!" Bima suggested.

Reluctantly, the group set off in the direction of the screams, their hearts pounding with fear. As they walked, they heard something coming towards them. It was a man, but he was groaning in agony.

"Help me, please!" The man cried, his voice hoarse and almost unintelligible.

The group quickly went to the man's aid, but as they drew closer, Tari could see that he was badly injured. He was lying on the ground, his body twisted in a painful manner.

"Who did this to you?" Tari asked, her voice shaking with fear and concern.

But the man didn't answer, and instead pointed frantically towards the mountains, indicating that something terrible had happened up there.

"We need to go and see what's happening," Bima said, his voice resolute.

With the injured man in tow, they set off on a treacherous journey through the mountains. As they climbed higher, the weather grew fiercer, and the wind howled around them like an angry beast.

They finally reached a temple built into the side of the mountain, and as they entered they were greeted with a scene of horror. The walls were covered in dried blood, and strange symbols adorned the floor and ceiling.

Tari realized with a sense of dread that they had stumbled onto an ancient burial site. As they explored the temple, they found more and more symbols, many of which were written in an unfamiliar language.

The injured man groaned in agony and pointed upwards. The group looked up to see a monstrous creature with razor-sharp claws, descending directly towards them.

Tari screamed, and they all ran for their lives. The monster was fast, and quickly caught up with them. One by one, they fell under its razor-sharp claws, screaming in pain.

Eventually, Tari was the only one left. She ran as fast as she could, her heart pounding in her chest and tears streaming down her face. But she knew it was only a matter of time before the monster caught up with her.

As she stumbled through the temple, she saw a strange book lying on the ground. She quickly picked it up and started flipping through the pages. It was a book of dark magic, filled with incantations and symbols.

Tari realized with horror that the symbols in the temple were written to summon the monster they had encountered. It was a ritual that had gone horribly wrong, and now they were all paying the price.

She knew what she had to do. With trembling hands, she started reciting the incantations from the book. As she spoke, the monster roared in anger, and Tari felt a fresh wave of terror wash over her.

But she kept going, determined to banish the creature once and for all. Suddenly, the room went silent, and Tari knew that the monster had disappeared.

Slowly, Tari emerged from the temple, dazed and wounded. She looked out towards the mountains, knowing that she had come face to face with an ancient evil that very few had ever encountered.

From that day forward, Tari vowed never to underestimate the power of dark magic again, and she knew that she had been lucky to survive the terrifying encounter at Tengger Mountains.

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