Death Bridge

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It was a warm, humid night in Indonesia, and a group of friends decided to take a shortcut home by crossing the infamous Jembatan Maut (Death Bridge). The bridge was said to be haunted by countless spirits, and many accidents had occurred on it over the years. Despite the rumors, the friends were determined to cross it and prove that the stories were just myths.

As they approached the bridge, they heard a sound that made their hearts skip a beat. A young girl's voice was singing an eerie tune, her voice pure but it sounded like luring them to an unknown destination.

"Did you guys hear that?" one of the friends asked nervously.

"Yes, it sounds like someone is singing," another replied, "But who could it be?"

The group hesitated for a moment, but their curiosity got the best of them, and they continued across the bridge. As they walked, the singing grew louder, and they could feel an ominous presence surrounding them.

Suddenly, something dashed past them with amazing speed, so fast that they could barely see anything.

"W-what the hell was that?" one of the friends stuttered in terror.

"I don't know, but let's hurry up and get across this bridge before something worse happens," another said, trying to hide his fear.

As they reached the middle of the bridge, they noticed something strange. The singing had stopped, and the air had grown heavy. They looked around, confused and frightened, but they found nothing.

Suddenly, they heard a voice coming from the other end of the bridge.

"Why did you come here?" the voice asked in a deep, gravely tone.

The friends turned to see a figure standing at the end of the bridge, a figure they could barely make out in the darkness.

"We just wanted to cross the bridge," one of the friends replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

"But don't you know the stories?" the figure asked, stepping forward into the light.

It was an old woman, with wrinkles etched deep into her face. Her eyes were piercing, and her skin was pale as a ghost. She seemed as though she had stood there for all eternity, watching and waiting for any unsuspecting passerby.

"This bridge is cursed," the old woman continued, "Many have died here, and many more will die in the future. Turn back now, while you still can."

The friends hesitated for a moment, but then they continued to cross the bridge. They thought the old woman was just trying to scare them, and they were determined to prove her wrong.

As they walked across the bridge, they noticed that the atmosphere had changed. The air was thicker, and the darkness around them seemed to cling to their skin.

Suddenly, one of the friends, a young man named Budi, tripped on something on the bridge. He looked down and saw a long, slimy creature slithering across it. It looked like nothing he had ever seen before, with tentacles writhing out of its slimy mass.

"What is that thing?" Budi asked, backing away from the creature.

"I don't know, but we need to get out of here now," another friend replied, starting to panic.

As they tried to run away, they found that they were trapped. The bridge had transformed, and now it was an endless expanse of writhing tentacles and slimy creatures. They were trapped in a nightmare, with no escape in sight.

One of the friends, a young woman named Rani, started to behave strangely. She began to speak in tongues and convulse uncontrollably, just like in the previous story.

"Rani, what's wrong?" one of the friends asked, trying to help her.

But Rani's eyes rolled back into her head, and her twisted body contorted into a horrifying shape.

"She's possessed!" one of the friends shouted in terror.

As they watched in horror, Rani's body changed, morphing into a slimy, tentacled creature just like the one they had seen on the bridge before.

The friends realized that they had to stop the curse before they were completely consumed by it. They knew that they had to destroy whatever had brought this horror to life.

They approached the end of the bridge, where the old woman was standing. They saw that she was a witch, performing a black magic ritual which had summoned the creatures and the curse.

"We have to stop her," one of the friends said, determination in his voice.

They charged at the witch, hoping to overwhelm her. But the witch was ready for them; she conjured up a powerful spell, throwing them back across the bridge. They knew that they had to act fast, otherwise they would never escape the curse.

In a final surge of willpower, they charged at the witch once more. This time, they were able to break through her defences, and they destroyed the potion that was holding the curse.

The bridge returned to its normal state, and the creatures and curse vanished into nothingness. The friends were relieved to find that they were finally free, but they could not shake the feeling that they were being followed, and that the curse of Jembatan Maut was still with them, even after they had broken it.

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