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"I think I found something!" Ati exclaimed as she dug through the pile of rubbish.

"What did you find?" Yani asked, looking disinterested.

"This bottle of terasi sauce," Ati replied, holding up a small, dusty bottle. "It's still half full. We can use it for cooking."

Yani rolled her eyes. "You're still obsessed with cooking even in the middle of this dump?"

Ati shrugged. "It's a good find. Come on, let's go home and make dinner."

As they left the trash dump and walked towards their home, Ati felt a strange sensation that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She dismissed it as her imagination and continued chatting with Yani.

But that feeling persisted, and it only grew stronger as they approached their doorstep. Ati noticed that the terasi bottle felt heavy in her pocket. She knew that was ridiculous, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

After dinner, Ati went to bed early, feeling tired from the day's work. She was almost asleep when she heard a strange noise in her room. At first, she thought it was just her cat playing around, but then she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.

She sat up quickly and looked around, but her room was empty. The window was closed, and the door was locked. Ati tried to calm herself down, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

The following day, Ati woke up feeling uneasy. She had a bad dream involving the terasi sauce that she found, and she couldn't get it out of her head. As she prepared breakfast, she accidentally spilled some of the sauce on her shirt.

Ati tried to wipe it off, but the stain didn't go away. She decided to change her shirt instead, but as she walked past the mirror, she saw something that made her stop.

A dark shadow was following her, and she realized that it had been with her since yesterday. Ati knew that this couldn't be a coincidence. It had to be the terasi sauce.

She called Yani to tell her about her experience, but Yani dismissed her worries. "It's just a coincidence, Ati. You're overthinking things."

But Ati didn't believe her. She started researching online about the history of terasi sauce, and that's when she found out about the curse.

According to the legend, the original maker of terasi sauce was a witch who used the sauce to put a spell on her enemies. The curse would follow the person who possessed the sauce and bring bad luck and misfortune.

Ati realized too late that the terasi sauce was cursed. She had to find a way to break the curse before it was too late.

Ati contacted a shaman in the village to help her break the curse. The shaman told her that they needed to perform a ritual to remove the curse.

They gathered in Ati's home, and the shaman started to chant and light candles. Ati had to repeat some words and hold the terasi sauce bottle as the shaman continued the ritual.

Suddenly, they heard a loud bang from outside. Ati and the shaman rushed to see what happened. They found that all the windows in Ati's home had shattered, and the doors had burst open.

The shaman concluded that the curse was too powerful and couldn't be broken. Ati was devastated. She knew that she couldn't live with the cursed terasi sauce, but she didn't know what to do with it.

That night, Ati dreamt of the witch who had cursed the terasi sauce. The witch told her that the only way to break the curse was to offer a sacrifice.

Ati knew what she had to do. She went to the shaman and asked for his help. He agreed to perform another ritual, but it would require a sacrifice.

The shaman told Ati that she had to sacrifice something valuable to her, something that had an emotional connection. Ati hesitated, but she knew what she had to sacrifice.

She went to the kitchen and took the terasi sauce bottle. Ati knew that it was valuable to her and had an emotional connection, but she also knew that it was cursed.

She handed the bottle to the shaman, and he performed the ritual. As they finished the chant, Ati felt a sudden burst of energy. She knew that the curse had been broken.

Ati and Yani never mentioned the cursed terasi sauce again. Ati was grateful to the shaman for helping her break the curse, but she couldn't forget about the feeling of being watched.

She knew that the curse had left an imprint on her, and she had to be careful about what she brought into her home. Ati realized that not everything that seemed harmless could be trusted.

From then on, she always double-checked the things she found and made sure that they weren't cursed. Ati had learned her lesson, and she didn't want to go through the same experience again.

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