The Haunted Villa of Jakarta

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It was a dark and cloudy night in Jakarta, Indonesia. Emma and her friend, Maya, were walking home after a late-night movie. As they walked past the old villa on the corner of the street, they saw someone standing in the window.

Emma whispered to Maya, "Did you see that? There's someone in the window."

Maya shrugged it off, "It's probably just some ghost stories that people make up to scare us."

Emma nodded her head, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of uneasiness. The next day, Emma's parents told her that they had to go out of town for a business meeting and won't be back till late evening. So, Emma decided to do something adventurous and called Maya, "Would you like to do something crazy tonight?"

Maya was intrigued and said, "What do you have in mind?"

"I want to go to the haunted villa we saw last night. I want to explore and see for ourselves if it's true or just a bunch of made-up stories," Emma said eagerly.

Maya was hesitant, but Emma convinced her, "It will be fun. We won't go inside the villa. We will just stand outside and explore the insides of the villa through the windows."

Maya reluctantly agreed, and they both decided to meet at the entrance of the villa that night.

As they approached the villa, they felt an overwhelming presence of fear and uneasiness. But, they pressed forward and started looking through the windows. They saw nothing out of the ordinary, and everything seemed calm and collected.

As they were about to leave, they heard something peculiar coming from inside the villa. It was a faint voice that said, "Get out of here before it's too late." They froze in their place, and their hearts started pounding.

Maya couldn't take it anymore, "Emma, let's go. I'm scared. We should never have come here."

And just as Emma was agreeing, they saw a shadowy figure standing in the window, watching them. They screamed and ran as fast as they could, not looking back.

As they were running, they noticed that Emma's phone had fallen out of her pocket. They decided to go back and search for it.

As they picked up Emma's phone, they heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind them. They turned around and saw the shadowy figure walking slowly towards them. They screamed again and started running for their lives.

As they reached the main entrance of the villa, they saw a group of people standing outside, waiting for them. They were the villagers of the nearby village, who had come to warn the girls.

One of the villagers explained, "You girls shouldn't be here. The villa is cursed. It's been abandoned for years, and it's said that anyone who dares to enter it will never come out."

Emma and Maya were horrified, but they didn't say anything. They just walked away, never looking back at the haunted villa. They both prayed that they would never encounter anything like that again.

From that night, the villagers could hear strange sounds coming from the villa. They reported it to the police, and when the police went to investigate, they found nothing out of the ordinary. But, the villagers knew the truth. The haunted villa was indeed cursed, and no one should ever enter it again.

Emma and Maya promised each other to never speak of that incident again, but they knew that it would haunt them forever. The haunted villa of Jakarta had become a legend, and no one dared to go near it, for fear of the curse that awaits them.

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