The Unsolved Mystery of Taman Sari

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Maya moved to Yogyakarta excited to start her new life. Being a history-loving girl, she was thrilled to visit Taman Sari, the famous water palace and its two underground mosques.

But Maya didn't know that Taman Sari was more than just a heritage site. There was a dark secret there, one that nobody wanted to talk about.

On her first visit to Taman Sari, Maya befriended a local guide named Ardi. While walking around the palace, she asked Ardi about the history of the site.

"It's said that some of the people who worked on the palace were killed," said Ardi. "But nobody knows who did it or why."

It sent chills down Maya's spine, and she looked around the area warily.

"How come nobody knows what happened?" she asked.

"Well, the truth is, nobody wants to know. The palace is haunted, they say. Things happen here that can't be explained."

Maya was intrigued. She wanted to experience it for herself and make up her own mind. So, she convinced Ardi to take her on a ghost-hunting tour of Taman Sari.

During the tour, they heard strange whispers coming from the palace's underground tunnels. There were footsteps that followed them everywhere they went. Maya could hear eerie laughter, and felt cold fingers brushing against her skin.

"Did you feel that?" Maya asked, a tremble in her voice.

"I did. But we have to be brave," said Ardi, trying to calm Maya's fear.

Suddenly they heard a sound coming from the depths of the underground tunnel. It was like something was trying to come out of the darkness. They followed the sound, and found an old tunnel, which seemed to be filled with voices.

Ardi grabbed his flashlight and shone it into the darkness, illuminating an eerie scene of what appeared to be people in some kind of trance.

Maya quickly turned her face away, feeling uneasy and unsure of what she was seeing. But when she turned around, she realized that Ardi was no longer standing next to her.

"Ardi?" Maya called out, her voice shaking.

There was no response. She could only hear the whispers that seemed to be getting louder and louder.

Maya's heart was beating out of her chest. She was completely alone in the dark, underground tunnel, with no way out.

As she stumbled forward, Maya saw something that made her blood run cold - an apparition of a woman. The woman was floating in the air, with long hair covering her pale face.

Maya tried to run, but she was stuck in place, frozen with fear. The woman floated closer and closer, until they were face to face.

Maya saw a vision of the past, reliving the dark history of Taman Sari. She saw the woman's brutal murder, and realized that she was the ghost of one of the palace's former residents.

Once the vision was over, the woman vanished into thin air, leaving Maya all alone and afraid.

Suddenly, she heard Ardi calling out her name.

"Maya? Where are you?" Ardi's voice echoed in the tunnel.

Maya ran toward his voice. It took a few minutes, but she finally found Ardi, who was waiting for her at the site's entrance.

"Come on, let's get out of here," said Ardi, his voice shaking.

Maya silently agreed, still in shock from what she had just seen.

After that experience, Maya never went back to Taman Sari again. But she knew the palace's secret now, and would carry it with her always, a haunting reminder of the dark past that lurked beneath the surface of this beautiful heritage site.

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