The Haunting of Villa Merah

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It was a dark and stormy night when Tania and her friends decided to spend the weekend at Villa Merah, an abandoned villa on the outskirts of Jakarta. The villa had a history of hauntings and supernatural occurrences, but Tania and her friends were intrigued and decided to investigate.

As they entered the villa, they were greeted by the sight of cobwebs and dust covering every surface. Tania shivered and turned to her friends, "This place creeps me out. Are you sure we should be here?"

Her friend Dian replied, "Don't be such a scaredy-cat, Tania. This will be a great adventure!"

They spent the first night exploring the villa, poking around in the abandoned rooms and trying to find any clues about the villa's past. But as the night wore on, strange things began to happen.

Tania woke up to the sound of footsteps in the hallway, but when she looked around, no one was there. She tried to shake it off and go back to sleep, but a faint whisper echoed through the room. It was a woman's voice, pleading for help.

Terrified, Tania woke up her friends and they searched the villa for the source of the voice. They eventually found a locked room at the end of a dark hallway. The room was freezing, and as soon as they entered, the door slammed shut behind them.

They were trapped.

Panic set in as they realized they were not alone in the room. A woman in a white dress appeared before them, her face twisted in agony. "Who are you?" Tania asked, hoping to calm the woman down.

"I am Nyi Roro Kidul, the queen of the south seas," the woman hissed. "You have trespassed into my domain. You must leave now, or suffer the consequences."

But Tania and her friends were determined to find out more about the haunting. They begged Nyi Roro Kidul to tell them the story of why the villa was haunted.

Reluctantly, the ghostly queen began to tell her tragic tale. Villa Merah was once a grand home for her and her husband, a wealthy merchant. But her husband had started an affair with another woman, and when Nyi Roro Kidul found out, she was consumed by rage.

She poisoned her husband and his mistress before taking her own life. Her spirit had been trapped in the villa ever since, waiting for someone to release her from her torment.

Tania and her friends were moved by the story, and decided to try to help Nyi Roro Kidul move on. They researched how to perform a ritual to release spirits, and gathered the materials they needed.

As they performed the ritual, Nyi Roro Kidul slowly vanished. The room grew brighter, and the air warmed. The haunting was over.

Tania and her friends left the villa feeling relieved. But as they looked back at Villa Merah, they could still see Nyi Roro Kidul's ghostly figure standing in the window, looking out at them.

They shuddered and quickly left, relieved to have survived the haunting of Villa Merah.

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