The Haunted Bridge

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In the small town of Puncak, there was a bridge that was said to be haunted. People claimed that they could hear eerie whispers and strange noises at night, and shadows moved across the bridge with no apparent source.

One rainy night, a group of teenagers decided to explore the bridge and prove that it was nothing more than a myth.

As they walked toward the bridge, they could hear the sound of water rushing underneath. Soon, they saw a figure standing at the opposite end of the bridge.

"Who are you?" one of the teenagers shouted.

There was no response, and the figure disappeared into thin air.

The teens continued walking, but as they stepped onto the bridge, they felt a strange sensation, a feeling as if they were being watched. The atmosphere was oppressive and suffocating.

As they crossed the bridge, they heard whispers and low moans, and saw shadows moving around them. In the distance, they could hear the sound of a ghostly piano playing, on its own.

The teenagers continued to walk further, deeper into the darkness, until they were suddenly surrounded by an unearthly fog. They could hardly see each other through the mist.

One of the teenagers, a young girl named Rini, started to feel uneasy.

"Guys, I don't like this. Let's go back," she said, her voice quivering with fear.

But before they could turn back, something caught their attention. It was the sound of footsteps, coming from the other side of the bridge.

The teens saw a woman walking toward them. She seemed to be blind, with her empty eyesockets staring into the mist.

The woman's hair was matted and unkempt, and she wore a dirty, moth-eaten dress. The teenagers tried to ignore her and walk past, but the woman suddenly lunged at them, screeching and clawing at them.

They could feel the woman's sharp claws digging into their skin. Her grip was cold as ice, and each one of them felt as though they were being pulled into the other world.

Just as they thought it was all over, the woman stopped and disappeared into the darkness.

The teenagers tried to leave as fast as possible when a voice suddenly echoed around them, "You should never have walked on my bridge."

As they ran back, they saw a group of people huddled around a campfire. The group seemed to be expressing sympathy for the group of teenagers and looked at them with mild shock.

"What happened? Did you guys see her?" one of them asked.

"See who?" asked Rini, her voice trembling.

"The ghost on the bridge. She's claimed many souls. It's just a part of the life of this town," replied the old man by the campfire.

The teenagers exchanged a look, realizing that what happened to them wasn't a figment of their imagination. They knew that the bridge was truly haunted, and would never forget the experience they had that night.

From that day on, the bridge was avoided, and Puncak would be known forevermore as the town with a haunted bridge.

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