The Haunted Pond

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It was a hot summer day in Indonesia when five college friends decided to go on a weekend camping trip near a scenic pond surrounded by trees. The pond was known for its mythological legends, but the group didn't believe in such stories. They set up camp near the pond and began to explore the area while chatting.

"Guys, do you believe in the story of this pond being haunted by a vengeful ghost?" Said Dina, a quiet and timid girl in the group.

"Haha, no way! That's just a silly old wives' tale," Replied Farhan, the confident and outgoing leader of the group.

They spent their day swimming, fishing, and having a nice grill out. The day went by smoothly, and as night approached, they sat by the campfire reminiscing their college days. But soon, strange things started happening. They could feel an eerie presence around them.

"Hey, did any of you feel that?" asked Hasan, a skeptical yet alert person.

"What?" Replied Rina, an adventure seeker in the group.

"A sudden cold breeze just swept past us," Hasan said, looking around suspiciously.

"Well, it is a forest with a pond. You are bound to feel that," Farhan shrugged it off, but they could all sense the tension building up.

As the night progressed, the five friends started experiencing unusual events. Strange noises and whispers coming from the woods, shadows moving in the darkness, and the feeling of being watched. It was as if someone was surrounding them, but when they looked around, nobody was there.

"Is anyone else feeling scared and tense now?" Dina whispered.

"Let's just go to bed. Everything will be fine in the morning," concluded Farhan, trying to keep morale high.

However, things only got worse from here. They heard eerie screams and saw ghostly apparitions by the pond. The woods grew darker, and the atmosphere became suffocating.

"This isn't normal. We need to get out of here as soon as possible." Insisted Hasan, starting to panic.

But they were all too afraid to leave the safety of their campsite. As the night wore on, they heard the sound of a woman crying near the pond.

"Who's there?" Rina shouted, trying to locate the source of the sound.

The others gathered around Rina, and they cautiously followed the sound of the weeping. They reached the pond, and the water was eerily calm, but they could hear the sobbing coming deep from the pond.

"Who is crying? We need to help her." Farhan said, worriedly.

As they edged closer to the pond, a ghostly hand shot up from the watery depths and grabbed Hasan's leg. They all screamed and tried to pull him free, but to no avail. The ghostly hand pulled him into the pond's murky water, and he was never seen again.

The friends woke up the next day with a sense of dread. They knew they were not alone anymore. From that fateful night, the pond took on a life of its own and cursed the land.

After that deadly incident, the pond became a forbidden place. Still, people claimed that they could hear weeping and the sound of Hasan pleading for help whenever they passed by. The legend of the haunted pond lived on, ensuring that nobody dared to venture too close.

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