The Haunting of Villa Lestari

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As the sun began to set on a hot Indonesian day, a group of five friends made their way up a steep hill towards Villa Lestari. The beautiful villa was built in the 1920s and was well known in the area for being haunted. The friends were eager to explore the villa and find out for themselves if the ghost stories were true.

As they approached the villa, they could see that it was in a state of disrepair. The paint was peeling, and the windows were boarded up. A shiver ran down their spines as they entered the villa.

Inside, the air was thick and musty. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and the only sound was the creaking of floorboards under their feet. The friends split up to explore the villa, each armed with a flashlight.

Suddenly, they heard a loud banging noise coming from one of the rooms. They rushed towards the noise and found that one of the boarded-up windows had been smashed open. As they peered out of the window, they saw a figure disappearing into the woods.

That night, the friends set up camp in one of the villa's rooms. As they lay down to sleep, they heard strange noises outside their door. It sounded like someone was whispering in a language they couldn't understand.

Their dreams were plagued with nightmares. One friend dreamt that he was being chased by a headless ghost, while another dreamt that she was drowning in a pool of blood. When they woke up, they were all covered in cold sweat.

The friends agreed that they had had enough and decided to leave the villa the next day. But when they woke up, they found that the door was locked from the outside. They were trapped.

As the day wore on, the friends grew more and more anxious. Strange things were happening all around them. Objects were moving by themselves, and they could hear laughter coming from empty rooms.

That night, one of the friends suddenly started speaking in a strange language. His eyes turned black, and he began convulsing on the floor. The others tried to help him, but he was too strong. They looked on in horror as he began speaking in a voice that was not his own.

"We have been waiting for you," the voice said. "Now we will never let you leave. You belong to us now."

The friends knew that they had to escape the villa before it was too late. They tried breaking down the door, but it wouldn't budge. As they sat in despair, they heard a voice calling out to them from the woods.

"Come to me," the voice said. "I can help you."

Desperate for a way out, the friends followed the voice into the woods. They eventually came to a clearing where they saw an old woman sitting by a campfire.

"Please help us," the friends pleaded.

The old woman smiled and handed them a small bottle filled with white liquid.

"Drink this," she said. "It will protect you from the spirits."

The friends drank the liquid, and they felt a warmth spreading throughout their bodies. They suddenly felt stronger and more confident.

They made their way back to the villa, and this time, they were able to break down the door. As they ran out into the daylight, they heard the ghostly voice wail behind them.

"You will never escape us!"

But the friends knew that they had won. They had escaped the clutches of the haunted Villa Lestari.

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