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As a young couple, Rika and Joko always dreamed of owning a beautiful house in the heart of Jakarta. So when they finally stumbled upon a breathtaking, colonial-style villa at an affordable price, they thought it was a dream come true.

Excited, they made an appointment with the real estate agent to tour the house. The moment they stepped inside, they felt an inexplicable chill run through their bodies. As they made their way through the house, Rika noticed that some of the doors seemed unusually heavy and nearly impossible to open.

"This house gives me the creeps," said Rika as they left the house.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I think it has potential," replied Joko.

The next day, they decided to make an offer and move in soon after. However, as soon as they started sleeping in the house, strange things started to happen. The doors would slam shut on their own, objects would move without explanation, and they would hear strange noises at night.

One evening, as they were having dinner, Joko noticed that the door in the corner of the room seemed to be moving by itself.

"Rika, do you see that?" whispered Joko.

Rika turned to look at the door and gasped. In that moment, they both heard a faint, but clear, whisper coming from the direction of the door.

"Who's there?" called out Rika.

To their shock, the door flung open, revealing a creepy, dark room with strange symbols painted on the walls. There sat an old man in black clothes with a black hat.

"Kamu gendam," said the old man, looking at them with piercing eyes.

Joko and Rika were confused, not understanding what the old man meant.

"Kamu gendam!" the old man repeated, his voice echoing through the room, "You're both under my spell."

Suddenly, they both felt a strange sensation spreading throughout their bodies. They tried to move, but they couldn't. It was as if something was holding them down.

The old man began to laugh hysterically as he rose from his seat and approached the couple.

"Give in to my power. Let me control you," he said, his voice growing more and more sinister.

Just then, the door to the room slammed shut behind the old man, causing him to turn around. But when he turned back to face them, he was gone.

Joko and Rika were terrified and decided to leave the house as soon as possible. As they were packing their things, they heard strange noises and whispers coming from all directions.

Finally, they made it to the front door and ran outside, never looking back at the haunted house.

Years later, when they returned to Jakarta, they went back to the house, only to find it was abandoned. They never found out what happened to the old man in black. But to this day, they still feel a chill run through their bodies at the mere thought of Dukun, the sorcerer that put them under his spell.

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