The Dollmaker

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Eva had always been fascinated with dolls. She collected them, repaired them, and even made her own. So when a new client approached her with a request to repair an antique doll, she was thrilled.

The client was an elderly woman named Nyai, who lived in a remote village outside the city. Eva was excited to take on the project, and she set out on the long journey to Nyai's village.

When she arrived, she was greeted by Nyai's granddaughter, a young girl named Sinta. Sinta led her to Nyai's home, a small wooden house surrounded by vast, overgrown shrubbery. As Eva entered the house, she felt a sense of unease. The air was thick and musty, and she had the feeling that she was being watched.

Nyai sat at a table surrounded by dozens of dolls. Eva examined the antique doll and saw that it was a rare, beautiful piece, in almost perfect condition except for a small crack running down its porcelain face.

"This doll is very valuable to me," Nyai said, "I want you to restore it to its original condition. Do whatever it takes."

Eva agreed to take the job, excited to see what she could do with such a rare piece. Nyai told her that she could stay in the house while she worked, and Eva accepted the offer.

As Eva worked on the doll, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the house. She heard strange noises at night, and she felt like she was being watched. Nyai and Sinta were both very friendly, but they seemed to be hiding something.

One night, as Eva was working late, she saw a figure moving in the shadows outside. She called out to Nyai and Sinta, but they didn't hear her. She went outside to investigate but found nothing. She felt like she was losing her mind.

The next day, as Eva continued to work on the doll, she noticed that it seemed to be changing. The small crack on its porcelain face had disappeared, but the doll looked different somehow. Its eyes seemed to follow Eva wherever she went, and she could swear that she saw it move on its own.

She tried to ignore her sense of unease and focused on her work. But the strange happenings in the house only continued.

One night, Eva heard the sound of footsteps coming from the attic. She followed the noise and found an old chest. Inside the chest, she found dozens of identical dolls, each one with a small crack in its face.

As she looked closer, she realized that the dolls were all made to look like her.

Eva was terrified. She realized that Nyai and Sinta were not who they appeared to be. They were not simply doll collectors, but were the dollmaker and her apprentice. They had been creating dolls in Eva's image and watching her every move.

Eva confronted Nyai and demanded an explanation. The dollmaker revealed that she had been searching for the perfect model for her dolls for years, and when she saw Eva, she knew she had found it.

The dollmaker explained how she had used a magic spell to capture Eva's likeness in her dolls. She showed Eva the ancient parchment that contained the spell, which they had been reciting every night since she had arrived at the house.

Eva was paralyzed with fear. She knew she had to get out of the house and away from the dollmaker and her apprentice. But as she tried to leave, she found that the door was locked, and the windows were barred.

She was trapped. The only way out was to confront the dollmaker and break the spell.

Eva and the dollmaker engaged in a supernatural battle, calling forth dark spirits and powerful energy. With a final, intense burst of energy, Eva managed to break the spell, at the cost of the dollmaker's physical body disintegrating on the spot.

Eva took the antique doll, which had now reverted to its cracked face, and fled the house. She never looked back, and never spoke of her experience with the dollmaker and her apprentice. But she could never shake the feeling that she was being watched, even after she returned home.

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