The Strange Voices of Taman Sari Palace

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Adinda and her friends, Nia and Dian, were excited for their trip to Yogyakarta. They wanted to explore the city and visit the famous tourist sites, including the Taman Sari Palace. After checking in at their hotel, they headed straight to the palace.

As they walked around the palace grounds, they noticed a strange mist that seemed to envelop the entire area. The palace itself was old with worn-down walls and peeling paint. It gave them a creepy feeling but they brushed it off and continued their tour.

They came across a pond and saw a woman dressed in an old-fashioned kebaya sitting near its edge. She was looking for something. They approached her and asked if she needed any help. However, she didn't respond. The only response they got was the sound of her sobbing.

Adinda tried to make conversation but received no response. So they left the woman alone. After walking about a hundred meters away, they heard strange whispers coming from behind. The whispers became louder the further they tried to walk away.

Nia's curiosity got the best of her and she looked back. She saw the woman standing where they had left her, staring at them. They were scared and confused as to why the woman was following them.

Now they were curious and decided to investigate. Maybe the woman needed help or maybe they had to call the authorities. They slowly walked back but the mist had become thicker making it a little difficult for them to see. When they finally reached the area, the woman was no longer there.

Suddenly, the mist dispersed and a feeling of relief washed over them. For a moment, they thought that they had been imagining things. But then they heard strange whispers again, followed by clanging sounds.

Dian, who was the most frightened of them all, asked nervously, "Did you guys hear that?"

Adinda grabbed Nia's hand and said, "Let's go back to the entrance."

They turned to leave but then heard loud footsteps behind them. They quickly turned around and saw only trees.

Adinda said, "Let's just go. We can come back another day."

As they began to walk away, they heard laughter coming from behind. It was the laughter of the woman they had seen earlier.

Nia said, "I think we should run!"

They all ran and only stopped when they reached the exit. They were relieved to be out of the palace, but still shaken by what they had experienced.

Adinda said, "That was the weirdest thing ever. We should go back and try to understand why that woman was following us."

Dian protested, "Are you crazy? That woman is a ghost and I don't want to mess with the supernatural."

Nia agreed, "I'm with Dian. We don't want to get ourselves into trouble."

But Adinda couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. She knew she had to go back, even if it was just to see if there was a rational explanation for what they had experienced.

The three friends left the palace to return to their hotel, not realizing that they were not alone. The ghost of the woman followed them, hoping that they would return to the palace and help her with her unfinished business.

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