The Haunted Doll II

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It was a dark and stormy night when a group of friends decided to explore an abandoned mansion that was rumored to be haunted. They arrived at the mansion around midnight, each armed with a flashlight and armed with a sense of adventure.

As they explored the mansion, they came across a room filled with antique toys. One doll in particular caught their attention. It was an old antique doll that looked ancient. The doll had an eerie appearance, with vacant eyes that seemed to follow the group as they explored the room.

"Wow, this doll is really creepy," said one of the group members, a young woman named Maya. "I wonder who owned it before."

"I don't know," replied another member named Fajar. "But I'm getting some seriously bad vibes from it. We should probably leave it alone."

But the group's leader, a young man named Dany, was intrigued by the doll. He picked it up and examined it closely.

"There's nothing to be scared of," he said. "It's just a doll. What could possibly go wrong?"

The group continued their exploration of the mansion, with Dany carrying the haunted doll with him. As they walked through the halls, they heard strange noises and whispers in the shadows, but they brushed it off as their imaginations.

Eventually, they decided to settle down in one of the rooms to rest and wait out the storm. Dany placed the haunted doll on a nearby nightstand and they all tried to get some sleep.

But as they slept, they were awoken by the sound of the haunted doll laughing. They bolted up in their beds, looking around the room in confusion.

"What was that?" whispered Maya.

"I don't know," replied Fajar. "It sounded like it came from the doll."

Dany picked up the haunted doll and examined it. "It probably just has a loose mechanism," he said, trying to reassure the group.

But then the doll's eyes began to glow, and its head turned to face Dany. The group watched in horror as the doll's mouth opened wide, revealing rows of sharp teeth.

"Put that thing down!" screamed Maya.

Dany dropped the doll in terror and the group ran out of the room. As they ran through the mansion, they heard the sound of the doll's cackling laughter following them.

Eventually, they managed to escape the mansion and catch their breath outside. As they looked back at the mansion, they saw the doll's glowing eyes peering out of one of the windows.

From that day on, the group was haunted by the doll's presence. They heard its creepy laughter and felt its sinister presence everywhere they went. One by one, they were hunted down and consumed by the doll, until only one was left.

The last survivor, Maya, was tormented by nightmares of the haunted doll and the ones she had lost. She knew she had to destroy the doll to end the nightmare.

One final stormy night, Maya returned to the abandoned mansion. Armed with a hammer, she smashed the haunted doll to pieces. As she watched the doll crumble, she felt a sense of relief wash over her.

But as she turned to leave the mansion, she heard the sound of laughter once again. She turned around to see that the doll had reformed itself and was now staring straight at her.

Maya was never seen or heard from again, but rumors say that the haunted doll still roams the abandoned mansion, waiting for its next victim.

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