The Secret of the Abandoned School

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It was a bright and sunny day, and the children of the small Indonesian town of Dusun were playing outside. Some were playing soccer, while others were running around, chasing each other and laughing.

But in the corner of the town, there was an old abandoned school. It had been closed for years due to a tragedy that occurred within its walls. The children of the town had been warned to never go inside.

One day, a group of adventurous children decided to explore the abandoned school. They had heard rumors that there was something hidden inside, something that would make them rich and famous.

As they entered the school, they were amazed by what they saw. The walls were covered in graffiti, the windows were shattered, and the floors were covered in dust.

Suddenly, one of the children noticed a door that they had never seen before. It was hidden behind a cabinet that had been pushed in front of it.

"Guys, look!" shouted Mia. "There's a door over here!"

The other children hurried over, and they all crowded around the door. They could feel a strange energy emanating from within, something that they could not explain.

"Let's go in!" suggested Dian excitedly. "I bet there's something amazing behind that door!"

The other children were hesitant, but Dian convinced them to follow him. As they entered the room, the air grew thicker, and they could sense a strange presence in the air.

It wasn't long before they noticed something strange. They had stumbled upon a room that had clearly been sealed off from the rest of the school for years, and it was filled with strange objects. They could see an old chest, a book that looked ancient, and a bunch of bones scattered across the floor.

Suddenly, the door to the room slammed shut behind them, trapping them inside.

"What's happening?" screamed Mia.

"I don't know!" shouted Jeff, panic rising in his voice.

As they looked around the room, trying to find a way out, they suddenly noticed something strange. The bones on the floor were rearranging themselves, and they could see a figure rising from the ground.

The figure was black and shadowy, with glowing red eyes that burned in the darkness. It let out an otherworldly screech, and the children knew that they were in grave danger.

"What do we do?" cried Mia as the creature came closer.

"Dian, you said you wanted something amazing, well, here it is!" shouted Jeff, grabbing the ancient book that was lying on a nearby table.

As he opened the book, something strange happened. A bright light filled the room, and the demon let out a furious scream before disappearing into thin air.

The children were momentarily stunned, but they knew that they had to get out of the school before anything else happened. They quickly left the room, never looking back.

As they left the school, they knew that they had discovered a secret that should have stayed hidden. But they couldn't shake the feeling that they had just narrowly escaped something much darker and more sinister than they could ever have imagined.

After their harrowing experience at the abandoned school, the children of Dusun were shaken. They had never encountered anything like the demon that they had come face to face with, and they knew that they had to do something to make sure that no one else fell victim to its evil ways.

They decided to seek the help of the village elder, an old man who had lived in the town for his entire life. He had seen many unusual things in his time and was the wisest person in the village.

The elder listened carefully as the children told him what had happened in the old school. He knew that what they had encountered was a demon, one that had been sealed away for years to prevent it from wreaking havoc on the town.

But somehow, someone had let it out, and now it was loose in the town, seeking revenge on the people who had imprisoned it.

The elder decided to investigate further, and he went to the old school to see what he could find. When he got there, he noticed something strange - the doors and windows of the school had all been sealed shut, the demon having been trying to prevent anyone from entering.

The elder knew that he had to find a way to get inside. He decided to contact a powerful spiritual healer who lived in the next town, knowing that he would need assistance in dealing with such an evil entity.

The spiritual healer arrived in Dusun a few days later, and the elder told him everything he knew about the demon. The spiritual healer suggested performing an ancient ritual to capture and seal the demon away from the mortal world.

As they went through with the ritual, the demon unleashed its fury, and the town of Dusun shook with each passing moment. The skies grew dark, the streets were filled with screams, and the villagers could feel an ominous presence lurking everywhere.

The spiritual healer and the elder knew that they must not falter, and they continued with the ritual, even as the demon sent all of its minions to attack them.

In the end, they managed to seal the demon away once more, away from the human realm. The people of Dusun felt a sense of relief, secure in the knowledge that they were now safe from the demon's wrath.

Days after the incident, the elder and the spiritual healer worked closely to find out who had released the demon. They discovered that a group of teenagers had gone looking for treasure in the old school and had unwittingly let the demon loose.

The teenagers, ashamed of what they had done, apologized profusely and vowed to never go looking for trouble again.

The village elder was relieved that the demon had been defeated, but he knew that he had to warn future generations of the dangers of meddling with supernatural forces. From that day on, the old school and the hidden room were sealed forever, and the demon was forever kept away from the eyes of the living.

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