The Curse of the Doll Shop

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Nina had always loved dolls. Ever since she was a little girl, she had collected them, each one with a unique and special story. Her favorite doll was a beautiful porcelain one that her grandmother had given to her. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, with delicate features and a stunning dress.

However, lately, Nina had been having strange dreams. In these dreams, the porcelain doll would come to life, its eyes glowing with an unearthly light, and it would stare at her with an intense and disturbing gaze.

She couldn't explain why, but this dream was truly haunting her. So one day, Nina decided to take her grandmother's advice and go visit a local doll shop in hopes of finding some answers to her haunting nightmare.

As she entered the shop, she was struck by the vast array of dolls. The shop was run by an old woman called Ibu Tini, who had been a dollmaker for over five decades.

"Good morning, Ibu Tini," said Nina, smiling at the old woman. "I was wondering if I could see some of your porcelain dolls?"

"Of course," replied Ibu Tini. "I have a wide selection that I think you'll be interested in. Follow me, please."

As they walked through the shop's aisles, Nina couldn't help but notice something strange about the dolls. There was something off-putting about them - something that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"Is there something you like in particular?" asked Ibu Tini, noticing Nina's hesitant expression.

Nina looked around the room, until her eyes rested upon a familiar face. It was the same porcelain doll that she had dreamed about. She could feel its eyes staring into her soul and she shuddered.

"Could I take a closer look at that doll, the one in the back?" she asked, gesturing towards the porcelain doll.

"Ah, that one," said Ibu Tini, smiling. "Of course, you may look as closely as you like."

Nina approached the doll, its features in striking detail. The doll was exquisitely crafted and there was something in it's eyes that made Nina's heart skip a beat.

As she reached out to touch the doll's dress, her hand started to glow in an eerie blue light, which she quickly pulled away. She suddenly felt dizzy and her vision blurred. She could hear whispers of something in the wind that kept saying a name, "Dinar."

"What's happening?" asked Nina, feeling herself start to panic.

Ibu Tini quickly took hold of Nina’s arm. "Are you okay, dear?" she asked with a concerned look.

Nina felt a sudden pain in her head, and everything went dark.

When Nina came to, she was in Ibu Tini's backroom, with a damp cloth on her forehead.

"I don't know what happened," said Nina, trying to sit up slowly.

"Dolls," whispered Ibu Tini, her face turning white with fear. "They say that when you touch the dolls in this store, you risk waking up the spirits within. You're lucky, dear, that you're still alive."

Nina didn't know what to make of it all. She felt disoriented and weak. And the name that had been whispering in her ear – 'Dinar' - kept replaying in her mind, ringing in her ears like a warning.

From that day on, Nina knew that there was something wrong with the porcelain doll from Ibu Tini's shop - something that had lured her in and was unwilling to let go. She had to discover the truth behind this doll, and to solve the mystery before it was too late.

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